Duke of Kent Community Building

Council has completed construction of a new purpose-built community building in Shaw Street, next to the Duke of Kent Oval.

Project Updates

24 Jun 2024

New Duke of Kent Community Building Completed

The new Duke of Kent Community Building was officially opened on Monday 24 June 2024.

Mayor of the City of Wagga Wagga, Councillor Dallas Tout welcomed special guests including First Nations Elder Aunty Mary Atkinson, and members of the Wagga Wagga Veteran & Vintage Motor Club (VVMC) and University of the Third Age (U3A), who are long-term users of the previous site.

The new building includes a new sound system and a soundproof wall divider, which will allow the space to serve multiple user groups. Fresh office spaces have also been created for ongoing use by the VVMC and U3A.

External upgrades include a new 22-space carpark, while solar panels and upgraded storm water and sewer systems ensure the site will be well supported by its surrounding infrastructure. A multi-purpose undercover area has also been erected.

The VVMC and U3A will now use the new space as a base for their meetings and activities, however the venue will also be accessible to other community groups and members of the public via the online booking system on the Council website.

Project Information

The building will be used by the Wagga Wagga Veterans and Vintage Motor Club, University of the Third Age (U3A) and other community groups.

The key features of the new building will include:

  • large meeting area that can be divided into two spaces by a sound-proof movable wall
  • two small meeting rooms
  • kitchen with a servery facing the meeting room and another facing the outdoor area
  • outdoor covered area
  • solar panels
  • parking for 22 vehicles including accessible parking

Importantly, for the vintage car club, the site will include a loop driveway that extends through the outdoor covered area. Access to the covered area will allow veteran and vintage vehicles to be inspected for roadworthy certificates.

This project is proudly funded by Wagga Wagga City Council.

Once completed, the building will be a new home for the Wagga Wagga Veteran & Vintage Motor Club and the University of the Third Age.

It will also provide a safe, accessible and flexible space in central Wagga Wagga for other community groups to use.

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