About the Project
The Botanic Gardens Precinct Renewal Project involves the delivery of 3 sub-projects to invigorate and enhance the public precinct.
It will create a dynamic and engaging accessible precinct that improves spatial connections and walkability, engages the community in cultural heritage experiences and place-making and addresses fundamental issues around equity access and safety.
The project has many benefits including:
- Stimulus to the local economy
- Generation of jobs
- Increase in visitors
- Lift the status of the precinct from a local to a regional attraction
More information
Lord Baden Powell Drive upgrade
- Undertake reference design and specifications
- Procure design and construct civil contractor
- Execute design and construct contract for reconstruction of the road, including median islands, turning lane, new museum access, associated road furniture and landscaping
Museum of the Riverina Redevelopment
- Finalisation of procurement
- Award of design and construction contract
- Finalisation of detailed design
- Construction of new exhibition hall
- Conservation of Fife family Cooks Galley and relocation to the exhibition hall
- Landscaping to garden
- Refurbishment of collections stores building
- Design exhibitions
- Curation of exhibitions
- Fit out of exhibition hall
- Installation of exhibitions and media interactives
- Design of collection storage areas
- Fit out of collection storage areas
- Conversion of schoolhouse to education space
Entwine: History loves botany
- Commence procurement
- Procure construction contractors
- Undertake installation of footpaths
- Undertake remediation works to the Brolga pond
- Installation of nature playground in Botanic Gardens
Museum Energy Savings project
- Scope project
- Commence procurement
- Contract award and execution
- Installation of energy savings measure (solar, LED lighting)
This project is being funded by:
Australian Government (Building Better Regions Fund) - $4.3 million ($1.7 million for the Museum and $2.6 million for Lord Baden Powell Drive upgrade)
Create NSW (Regional Cultural Fund) - $3.188 million
Restart NSW (Infrastructure NSW) - $739,466
Wagga Wagga City Council - $400,000