Roadside Vegetation Management Plan

The value of roadside vegetation is increasingly being recognised and appreciated.

Wagga Wagga City Council developed the 'Wagga Wagga Roadside Vegetation Management Plan' with funding from Local Government NSW and the NSW Environmental Trust, in partnership with Lockhart Shire Council. The aim of this plan is to protect and enhance these vital areas of vegetation into the future.

Roadside vegetation provides a variety of ecosystem services, including:

  • remnant vegetation acting as a corridor between otherwise isolated native vegetation stands, linking different native vegetation communities
  • habitat for native species and important refuges for feeding, shelter, and breeding, including threatened native plant and animal species and communities
  • playing a significant role in soil conservation and stormwater quality
  • preserving ground-cover vegetation helps prevent soil erosion on the road shoulder and in table drains
  • Filtering sediment and pollutants from road runoff such as petrochemicals, improving water quality entering watercourses and protecting adjacent vegetation patches from stormwater impacts
  • reducing weed maintenance by acting as an effective means of weed control through the preservation of native vegetation cover

Notice of intention to carry out weed control activities

Over the next twelve months, Wagga Wagga City Council will be undertaking weed control in all parks and gardens, rural reserves and rural roadside reserves throughout the local government area. All spraying will be carried out as per Council’s Pesticide Use Notification Plan. The chemicals identified below may be applied to treat priority weeds in these locations.

Abamectin Alcohol Alkoxylate Amicarbazone Aminopyralid Amitrole Azoxystrobin Bifenthrin Bromoxyni
Carfentrazone Chlorantraniliprole Clopyralid Diafenthiuron Dicamba Dithiopyr Dflufenican DSMA
Ethylene Glycol Flupropanate Foramsulfuron Glufosinate-ammonium Glyphosate Imazapyr Imidacloprid Iodosulfuron-Methyl-Sodium
Liquid Hydrocarbon MCPA Methyl Oleate Metsulfuron-Methyl N-Methyl -2-Pyrolidone Oxyfluorfen Parrafinic Oil Penthiopyrad
Picloram Prodiamine Propiconazole Propyzamide Prosulfuron Quinclorac Simazine Terbuthylazine
Triclopyr Trinexapac-Ethyl 2,4-D