Economic Development Study

We surveyed over 200 local businesses and stakeholders for this survey and the results are in!

Some key findings from the study include:

  • 70% of businesses are confident/extremely confident about their past 2 years' performance and future 2 years
  • 60% of businesses likely/very likely to encourage other businesses to move to Wagga Wagga
  • 52% of businesses report an increase in sales over the past 2 years

Review the complete report and let us know why you feel Wagga Wagga is a great place to do business.

Economic Development Survey Report 1.9 MB Download

Economic Development Study information also available through the community engagement portal Wagga View - Business

There are over 5,000 successful businesses operating in Wagga Wagga employing over 34,000 people. The region has grown steadily over the last 30 years and developed into one of the most diverse economies in the country. The Health Precinct and recently announced Special Activation Precinct in the Bomen industrial zone are two key initiatives that we hope will lead our economic growth into the future, but we need a plan to ensure their success.

The report and data developed through this study will be utilised to produce an economic development strategy for the region. This strategy will help align our business community, guide all stakeholders in their decision-making, but most importantly, it will give business leaders greater confidence when making investments in the region. An economic development strategy will be critical if Wagga is to realise the full potential of the Health Precinct, Special Activation Precinct, and our other growth industries.