Enlighten for Equity brought together creativity and education in a youth-based project, working with primary and high school students from across Wagga Wagga.

First phase - Primary School Posters

The first stage of the Enlighten for Equity project included engagement with the eighteen primary schools and stage three primary school students who developed posters with the support from an “Artist in Residence” and the Equity team.

The posters reflected what equity and respect means to them and the Wagga Wagga community, incorporating many visual components and instructions for their ideas to be transformed into standalone lighted sculptures. The development of the students work was undertaken in a supported framework with teachers of the students and an ‘Artist in Residence’ approach.

Check out the posters

We have captured the designs of more than 800 students. To view the posters, visit the Enlighten for Equity school posters page.

Second phase - High School Sculptures

The second stage of the project included design and technology high school students from five Wagga Wagga High schools creating designs and 3D mock-ups, using the concepts and ideas from the primary school student’s posters, for manufacturing interactive installation pieces for placement at Council’s re-developed Riverside precinct.

Council’s recreation staff have then transferred those high school designs into engineering construction design plans and the oversight of the manufactured pieces in readiness for placement as an Equity walk at the finished Riverside open space redevelopment precinct that is due for construction completion in December 2021.

The Enlighten pieces and their placement in the Riverside precinct is for the community to enjoy and reflect upon for years to come.

Enlighten for Equity Sculptures


Ben Creighton, Strategic Asset Planner Parks and Recreation, Wagga City Council

Ben provides an overview of the Riverside project, the challenges with infrastructure and the expected project timeline.

Phil Blake, Project Coordinator Parks and Recreation, Wagga City Council

Phil provides an overview of the electrical infrastructure that will be installed at the new Riverside precinct, along with the specifications required for the sculptures.

Take a virtual tour of the Riverside Precinct site, where five sculptures will be installed.

There are rough plot points noted in the video for the sculptures, but flexibility around their placement still remains.

To do a virtual walk-through of the site, visit: https://benaco.com/view/06354282-9afe-4732-93c1-762a1b9cc29a

The redevelopment of Riverside incorporates many new features, and the five sculptures will be placed within the small event green as shown on the map.

Riverside Concept Map