
The Council is a body of nine members who are elected for a four year term to carry out duties under the provisions of the Local Government Act and Regulations.

The Council is a body of nine members who are elected for a four year term to carry out duties under the provisions of the Local Government Act and Regulations. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor are elected for a two year period by the members of the Council. The Mayor, as well as being Chairman of Meetings, represents Council when it is not in session.

The elected body is supported by a team of Council staff who are responsible for bringing the policies and changes into effect.

Contact your Councillors

Listed below are the contact details for each individual Councillor. Councillors can be contacted by either phone or email.

Should you wish to contact all Councillors on a specific matter, you can send an email to This will ensure that all Councillors will receive the same information at the same time.

Headshot of Councillor Dallas Tout

Mayor Councillor Dallas Tout

Cr Dallas Tout was first elected to Council in 2012 and has served continually since that date.

Cr Tout was elected Deputy Mayor in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018 and 2020 and was elected as Mayor in 2022 and 2024.

Mobile: 0427 448 525

Headshot of Councillor Georgie Davies

Deputy Mayor Councillor Georgie Davies

Cr Georgie Davies was first elected to Council in 2021.

Cr Davies was elected as Deputy Mayor in 2024.

Mobile: 0448 313 290

Cr Allana Condron

Councillor Allana Condron

Cr Allana Condron was first elected to Council in 2024.

Mobile: 0417 266 476

Headshot of Councillor Richard Foley

Councillor Richard Foley

Cr Richard Foley was first elected to Council in 2021.

Mobile: 0455 946 001

Headshot of Councillor Tom Koschel

Councillor Tim Koschel

Cr Tim Koschel was first elected to Council in 2016 and has served continually since that date.

Mobile: 0437 992 109

Headshot of Councillor Julie McKinnon

Councillor Jenny McKinnon

Cr Jenny McKinnon was first elected to Council in 2021.

Cr McKinnon was elected as Deputy Mayor in 2022.

Mobile: 0409 808 830

Headshot of Councillor Amelia Parkins

Councillor Amelia Parkins

Cr Amelia Parkins was first elected to Council in 2021.

Cr Parkins was elected as Deputy Mayor in 2023.

Mobile: 0413 282 782

Headshot of Councillor Karissa Subedi

Councillor Karissa Subedi

Cr Karissa Subedi was first elected to Council in 2024.

Mobile: 0411 410 159

Headshot of Councillor Lindsay Tanner

Councillor Lindsay Tanner

Cr Lindsay Tanner was first elected to Council in 2024.

Mobile: 0413 726 408

Previous Mayors and Deputy Mayors of Wagga

1870-1874 G Forsyth

1875 and 1877 T Hodson

1876 C Wall

1878 G Mair

1879-81, 1887-89 H.B Fitzhardinge

1882-83 A.T. Bolton

1884-85 J Gormly

1886 H Hayes

1890 C.H Croaker

1891-92 and 1894 J.J McGrath

1893, 1895 and 1898-99 G Coleman

1895-96 R.S Heydon

1897 and 1906-1908 J Hayes

1900-01 and 1908-09 G Rudd

1902-03 C Hardy

1904-05 W.J Blake

1910-11 T Dobney

1912-13, 1917-1919, 1926-1927 and 1929-1934 E.E Collins

1914 F.J McDonough

1915-16, 1922-23 H Oates

1920-21 I Cullen

1924-25 D.T Byrnes

1928 W.F Day

1935-37 H McDonough

1938-44, 1951-51 H.E Gissing

1945-46 J.V Doyle

1947-49 L Barrand

1952-54 W.F Dunne

1955-57 I.J Jack MBE

1957-1959 H.L Condon

1959-66 I.J Jack MBE

1967-70 R.J Harris

1971-72, 1974, 1984-85 M.H. Gissing

1973, 1975-76 R Gorman

1977 B.V Allen

1978-82 BN Hedditch

1983, 1990-95 P. Brassil

1986-1989 R.F Harris

1995-1997 P.S Dale

1997-1999 J.R Harding

1999-2004 K.J Wales

2005-2010 K Pascoe

2010 - 2011 W Geale

2011-2012 K Pascoe

2012-2016 R Kendall

2016-2021 G Conkey OAM

2022-Present D Tout

1928 - 1931 – E.F Lusher

1932 - 1934 – H McDonough

1934 - 1937 – W.J Stevenson

1943 - 1945 – J.A Harrison

1947 - 1948 – V.E Lawrence

1948 - 1950 – F.B Raye

1953 - 1954 – I.J Jack

1955 - 1958 – R.J Harris

1958 - 1959 – J.J Sullivan

1959 - 1966 – F.C White

1968 – C.W Toy

1969 - 1970 – M.H Gissing

1970 - 1971 – E.M Geoghegan

1972 - 1973 – M.H Gissing

1983 - 1984 – M.C Kidson

1984 – R.F Harris

1985 - 1986 – M.C Kidson

1986 - 1989 - P. S. Dale

1989 - 1990 – M.Quinn

1990 - 1995 - J. Harding

1995 – 1998 – K Hull AM

1999 - M Georgiou

2000 – 2003 – L.V Vidler

2004 - M Georgiou

2005 – D Simpson

2006 - 2007 – J Haye

2008 - 2009 – L.V Vidler

2010 – A.J Brown

2011 – R Goodlass

2012 – Y Braid OAM

2012 - 2013 – A Negline

2014 - 2021 – D Tout

2022 - 2023 – J McKinnon

2023 - Present – A Parkins

The role of the Councillors

The Mayor's Job

The Mayor's responsibilities vary widely, but all are intended to ensure the well-being of the city and its people.

The Mayor officially represents the Council at many public events such as:

  • Opening new establishments within the city
  • Attending inaugural meetings
  • Guest speaker at many functions

Civic welcomes are extended by the Mayor to dignitaries visiting the city. The Mayor also meets Cabinet Ministers, Government Departmental heads and Members of Parliament to discuss matters of common interest to the city.

The Mayor is automatically on all Council Committees (ex-officio), chairs all full Council meetings, and has the right to vote. Whenever the vote is even, the Mayor may exercise a casting vote. At Council meetings the Mayor may bring before the Council, as a Mayoral Minute, any matter which requires immediate attention. When these Mayoral Minutes are brought forward at meetings, they are given precedence over all other business. When the Council is not in session (meeting) the Mayor may make policy decisions which can then be confirmed and accepted by the full Council at its next meeting.

The Councillor's Job

Councillors are elected members of the Council. Their jobs cover many areas, each aimed at satisfying expectations of the local community. A Councillor is expected to be many things, including:

  • representative of the people
  • planner and goal setter
  • decision maker
  • civic leader
  • member of a board of directors
  • communicator
  • politician

The Councillors are the Board of Directors for the Local Government organisation. They approve Council expenditure; set goals, strategies and policies; co-operate with appointed managers; and decide issues submitted to the Council.

Councillors also allocate resources for various Local Government functions, and watch over the efficiency, cost and effectiveness of Council's organisation. They help set priorities for Council both in planning and in execution of its works programmes.

They must be advocates for the Local Government Area and promote it, and can be called upon to represent Council in inter-government matters. Councillors, like the Mayor, undertake civic duties such as receiving dignitaries and attending civic functions.

Being elected representatives, Councillors are delegates and trustees not only for the people who voted for them, but also for those who did not. They pass on information about Council activities to various sectors of the community and provide input of community attitudes to Council. They often receive petitions from voters, and so Councillors have to make sure they are familiar with the issues involved.

Councillors are expected to show leadership in the community, in the Council, and as private citizens. They must at all times act reasonably, with equity and justice, and must submerge any self interest. They are expected to be active and look to the future. To do all this, Councillors need to keep themselves informed of a wide range of matters, about government, administration, finance, economics and society.