Lake Albert is one of Wagga's most popular recreational facilities, it caters for boating, fishing, swimming and other aquatic activities.

Jump to Lake Albert water quality readings

Wagga Wagga City Council is currently undertaking a trial treatment for Blue-green algae in Lake Albert Jump to Hydro2050 trial

Around the shore of Lake Albert you will find a five-and-a-half kilometre circuit walking track, commonly used by walkers, joggers and bike riders. Eight fitness stations have been installed in four locations along the walking track on the eastern side of Lake Albert. Set over 800 metres, the fitness stations are very popular with users of the lake.

Boat ramps are located at Bosley Park, adjacent to the Wagga Wagga Boat Club on the lake’s western side, and at Apex Park on the eastern side. Also at Apex Park is a children’s playground with a separate fenced area for smaller children.

Lake Albert is family friendly and a must for visitors to Wagga Wagga.


Maps, Facilities and User Groups

Lake Albert Features

Lake Albert

Bosley Memorial Park Features

Bosley Park

Apex Park Features

Apex Park

O'Halloran Park Features

O'Halloran Park


Amenities are available at Apex Park and Bosley Memorial Park.

Boat Ramps

Public boat ramps are available year round at both Apex Park and Bosley Memorial Park. There is also a private boat ramp, managed by the Boat Club, located next to Bosley Memorial Park.

BBQ Shelters

There are many BBQs, picnic shelters and table settings located  around the Lake, and they are free to use!


A large adventure playground and fenced toddler playground can be found at Apex Park, with other smaller playgrounds located around the Lake.

The adventure playground at Apex Park includes a large climbable rope structure with a huge slide, a massive bird's nest swing, a boat, some rocks,  and other things kids can play on.

The toddler playground at Apex Park is fenced and covered with a Shade Sail.

Fitness Stations

Set over 800m, Eight fitness stations have been installed in four locations near Apex Park.

Lake Albert Walkway

Sealed shared path in the foreground with eastern section of Lake Albert in the background

At 5.5km in length, the Lake Albert Walkway is an incredibly popular walking track that does a complete circuit around Lake Albert. The Walkway can be utilised by people of all levels of fitness and mobility given it's constant flat grade and well sealed surface.

Wagga Sailing Club

The Wagga sailing club is based at Lake Albert. They hold regular sailing events throughout the year and also offer a beginner sailing program.


Wagga Boat Club

Situated on the banks of Lake Albert off Plumpton Rd, the boats club offers a licensed bar, meals and boat ramp (accessible to members only). The clubs premier event is the Barry Carne Memorial ski race held on Mother's Day each year.


Wagga Triathlon Club

Club holds regular triathlon and duathlon events from Apex Park each month.


Wagga Road Runners

A social running club that has weekly runs across Wagga with March and June events held at Lake Albert


Bidgee Dragons Wagga

With 2 dragonboats, Bidgee Dragons Wagga have been formed to have fun while participating in the physically challenging activity of dragon boating.


Lake Albert water quality - current readings

As a public health and safety measure, the water quality of Lake Albert is regularly monitored for blue green algae and bacterial content.

Guideline values for managing risk in recreational water have been endorsed by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). The primary aim of these guidelines is to protect the health of humans from threats posed by the recreational use of fresh waters.

For all feedback regarding Lake Albert, please send an email to

Lake users are advised to stay away from green-coloured, surface algal blooms, and are advised against water contact (including pets) if found in large areas.  Lake users are advised that bacterial levels may increase for a number of days after sufficient rainfall that causes inflows into the lake.

Most recent samples recorded on: 27th February 2025

Blue Green Algae Bacterial Content
Lake Albert Amber Low

No Alert Level Triggered GREEN LEVEL
Surveillance Mode
Alert Mode 
Action Mode 
Action Required   
 No restriction. No restriction.
Routine monitoring to measure cyanobacterial levels.
No restriction.
Increased sampling to enable risks to be more accurately assessed  

WWCC and health authorities to warn the public that the water body is considered to be unsuitable for water contact activities, such as swimming, bathing, sailing, skiing or other direct water-contact sports.

Interpretation of Cyanobacterial alert levels for recreational water (a)

<500 cells/mL M.aeruginosa

Biovolume <0.04 for the combined total of all cyanobacteria.

500 to <5000 cells/mL M.aeruginosa

Biovolume equivalent of >0.04 to <0.4 mm3/L for the combined total of all cyanobacteria.

5000 to <50,000 cells/mL M.aeruginosa

Biovolume equivalent of 0.4 to 4mm3/L for the combined total of all cyanobacteria where a toxic producer is dominantf in the total biovolume


0.4 to < 10 mm3/L for the combined total of all cyanobacteria where known toxic producers are not present.

Level 1 guidelines

10μg/L total microcystins OR

50,000 cells/mL toxic M.aeruginosa or biovolume equivalent of 4mm3L for the combined total of all cyanobacteria where a known toxin producer is dominate* in the total biovolume

Level 2 guidelines

10mm3/L for total biovolume of all cyanobacteria material where the known toxins are NOT present.

Cyanobacteria scums are consistently present.

Health risks = Skin and eye irritation with prolonged contact. Gastrointestinal complaints (eg. vomiting, diarrhoea) from consumption of water. Boiling water does not remove toxins. Fish may be unsafe to eat due to bioaccumulation of toxins.

Livestock including companion animals can be particularly susceptible to toxins produced by algae.

Action Required   
No restrictions of use. Maintain regular monitoring. Advise against primaryc contact. WWCC to erect signs. Maintain regular monitoring.  Advise against ALL use. WWCC to erect signs. Maintain regular monitoring.

Interpretation of Faecal Coliform alert levels for recreational water (b)

<150 cfu/100mLd OR

<35 enterococci organisms/100ml

Median of last 5 samples 150 - 1,000 cfu/100mLd


35 - <230 enterococci organisms/100ml (Maximum number in any one sample: 60-100 organisms/100mL)

1,000 cfu/100mLd OR

230 enterococci organisms/100ml (Maximum number in any one sample: 450-700 organisms/100mL)

Health risks = Gastrointestinal complaints (e.g. vomiting, diarrhoea) from consumption of water.

a NHMRC (2008) Guidelines for managing risks in recreational water. National Health and Medical Research Council

b ANZECC & ARMCANZ (2000). Australian and New Zealand guidelines for fresh and marine water quality. National Water Quality Management Strategy Paper no. 4. Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council / Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand.

c Primary contact: water used for primary contact activities, such as swimming, bathing or other direct water-contact sports.

d cfu/100mL = colony forming units per 100mL

e Median = The middle number

f Dominate = the species of interest (i.e. known toxic producer) comprises 75% or more of the total biovolume

Hydro2050 Trial

A six-month trial of Hydro2050’s new state-of-the-art treatment is currently being undertaken at Lake Albert in an effort to reduce and manage blue green algae.

Hydro2050 is technology that uses ultrafine bubbles of oxygen and ozone to increase the lake’s oxygen levels and manage the level of blue-green algae.

Council will assess results at the end of the trial and determine whether Council will continue its use of Hydro2050 into the future.

Read more about the trial here.