On-site Sewage Management Plan 2024-2028

Effective management of domestic sewage and wastewater is an important consideration for human health and the environment. Effective management requires the active involvement of both the Council and landholders. This Management Plan is prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 and has been developed to help Wagga Wagga City Council assess, regulate and manage the selection, design, installation, operation and maintenance of On-site Sewage Management Systems.

The benefits of an On-site Sewage Management plan are:

  • Better catchment management;
  • A consistent message to householders and on-site sewage operators;
  • A coordinated approach to liaise with industry, including developers, professional consultants, private certifiers, service agents and plumbers;
  • Development of information and education strategies.

Regulations gazetted in March 1998 by the Minister for Local Government requires owners of household septic systems and other small On-site Sewage Management facilities to apply to Council for approval to operate and amend a system. The granting of any such approval allows the Council to monitor performances on a regular basis. In accordance with Local Government Act 1993 all On-site Sewage Management Systems are required to be licensed by Council. Effective and strategic management of existing septic systems and attention to address sewage management issues in new release areas is an important task of Council.

On-site Sewage Management Plan 2024-2028

Inspection of Onsite Sewage Management Systems (OSMS) on farmland greater than 20 hectares

Commonly asked questions:

The inspection on farmland greater than 20Ha will commence in March 2025.

Yes, a notification letter approximately a month prior to the inspection will be mailed to you informing you of the date of the inspection.

The officer will be inspecting the onsite sewage system from the external of the residence to the end of the disposal area or irrigation area to ensure the system meets its conditions of approval and requirement of Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 s44 and s45.

At no point will the officer require access inside your residence. An OSMS must not discharge into any watercourse or onto any land other than its related effluent application area. A checklist will accompany your inspection notification letter to help you in your understanding of the inspection requirements on the day.

Depending on the assessment findings of the inspection, a letter with the required repair works will be mailed out. This will also be explained if you are present at the time of inspection. An official Council letter outlining the works required to be undertaken will also provide a timeframe within which to bring the system up to compliance.

If you cannot meet the upgrade or repairs within the indicated timeframe, you must write to Council with a newly proposed date when repairs and upgrades will be completed.

Yes, at some stage. However highly sensitive areas such as rivers, and tributaries along with failed systems will be given priority.

Depending on the condition of your system during the inspection, a risk matrix, will be used and a licence period will be allocated accordingly. You could receive a 1, 3, 5 10-year licence. The further away from rivers and tributaries your system is located the greater the licence period. Where a system is deemed to pose very low risk then a 10-year licence could be issued.

Inspections will be charged for in accordance with Council’s Fees and Charges policy for that year.

Further information can be accessed through this link
- Septic Tanks – Licence to operate $75.
- Septic Tanks – Operational inspection $ 205.
- Septic Tank inspection (complied with licensing requirements) $105.
- Septic Tank re-inspection $140.

If you are unable to meet inspection fee costs all at once you can contact Council’s Finance Directorate to make payment arrangements.

Special arrangements by Council’s Finance Directorate could be considered. You are encouraged to discuss your circumstances with Finance Directorate for monthly instalments.

To meet Council obligation under s68 of the Local Government Act 1993, Part C5 and C6, an ongoing approval is required for an onsite sewage system. Approval is required at the following stages: to install, construct, alter and operate an Onsite sewage system. A OSMS must operate to meet the conditions and requirements of the performance standards in line with Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 s44 and s45 and conditions of Approval.

For the purposes of enabling Council to exercise its functions, a Council authorised officer can enter your premises. (Local Government Act 1993 s199).