Flood Affected Waste Pickup

Wagga Wagga City Council is providing a free collection of flood affected waste.

As the clean-up begins, Council is providing a limited hard waste collection service for flood affected waste.

Only flood affected properties in areas such as North Wagga, Gumly Gumly and Oura. Anyone inside the city levee is not eligible for this special service.

To register for this service, affected households can contact our Customer Service team on 1300 292 442 or visit the Customer Service desk at the Civic Centre in Morrow Street during business hourse.


  • Only flood affected waste will be picked up. Customers will need to book a separate hard waste pick up (as per the normal process) for non-flood waste items.
  • No hazardous waste will be collected, such as items which include anything with asbestos or chemicals in it. All other waste will be accepted as long as its flood affected.
  • There will be only do one visit per house.