Published: 24 Nov 2021 | Category:
29 July 2021: Murrumbidgee River stabilised at 5.9 metres
The river at Wagga has stabilised at a gauge height of 5.9m with approximately 39,000 megalitres (Ml) flowing past each day.
Over the next 24 hours the volume of water will increase to around 50,000Ml and we should reach a height of about 7m in Wagga.
This will be sustained over a period of 6-7 days as WaterNSW endeavours to create some airspace in Burrinjuck and Blowering Dams.
Both Blowering and Burrinjuck Dams are over 100% full and flowing over the spillway. WaterNSW is supplementing this flow through the gates to try and reduce volumes in the storages in a controlled manner.
Other Updates:

Road Closures:
- Mundowy Lane has water over it near the Beavers Creek Bridge, the road is still open but this will be monitored closely and will change as the depth and speed of this water increases.
- O’Shea’s Road
- Kneebones Road
- Gumly Island Road
The following roads are being monitored and may still be closed:
- River Road
- Mundarlo Bridge, Wantabadgery
- Kohlhagens Reserve Road
The following roads have already been closed:
- For real time data for the Murrumbidgee in Wagga Wagga head to WaterNSW.
- Listen to ABC Riverina 97.9 FM
- NSW SES website and Facebook contains information and safety advice: or
- Access rural animal and livestock assistance at Local Land Services:
- Follow the latest weather warnings, rainfall and river heights:
- For emergency help in floods and storms, call the NSW State Emergency Service on 132 500.
- In life threatening situations call triple zero (000) immediately.