Council Committee Structure
Representation on the City's committees, panels and working groups includes community members, councillors and industry representatives and are normally called for and appointed every four years, in line with the council term and the Appointment of Organisation Community and Individual Citizen Members to Council Committees Policy. (PDF, 165.9 KB)
Airport Advisory Committee
The Airport Advisory Committee has been established to consider various issues and initiatives and to contribute to future planning and development of Wagga Wagga Airport.
Airport Advisory Committee Terms of Reference (PDF, 94.3 KB)
Councillor Members:
Councillor Richard Foley
Councillor Amelia Parkins
1 Qantas Airlines representative
1 Regional Express Airlines (Rex)
1 Wagga Wagga Business Chamber
1 Independent aviation industry representative (AIRs)
To see the business papers and minutes for the Airport Advisory Committee, go to
Annual Grants Panel including Economic Development Grants Panel
Council’s Annual Grants Program aims to distribute small grants to the community to deliver a range of community capacity building projects, which meet advertised criteria.
The Economic Development Grants Panel has been established in accordance with Council’s Donations under Section 356 of the Local Government Act Policy to assess Economic Development Grant applications.
Financial Assistance Policy - POL 078
Councillor Members:
All Councillors
Note: Specific categories will be allocated to Councillors.
Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee
The Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee provides independent assurance and assistance to Council on risk management, control, governance and external accountability responsibilities. Key duties and responsibilities include:
- Risk Management
- Control Framework
- External Accountability
- Legislative Compliance
- Internal Audit
- External Audit
- Communications with Stakeholders
- Review of the Committee's performance
- Reporting to Council
The Committee's authority and functions are outlined in the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee Charter (PDF, 257.6 KB) adopted by Council.
Membership of the Committee includes independent external members with experience in audit, financial management, business management or law, and Councillor representatives. Current membership of the Committee:
Independent External Members
- Bryce McNair (chairperson)
- Carolyn Rosetta-Walsh
- Rachel Harris
Councillor Members
- Councillor Michael Henderson
- Councillor Rod Kendall
- Alternate - Councillor Amelia Parkins
- Alternate - Councillor Tim Koschel
- Alternate - Councillor Jenny Mckinnon
At present, all representative terms shall run until early 2022. Expressions of Interest may be called in the event of a vacancy or at the end of the Committee's term.
Internal Audit
The Committee is supported within Council by the Internal Audit function. The primary purpose of the Internal Audit function is to efficiently and effectively provide independent and objective assurance to the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee and management of Council that key controls over areas of highest risk are operating efficiently and effectively and to offer an advisory service.
See the Internal Audit Charter here.
For any questions about the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee or Council's Internal Audit function, contact Council's Chief Audit Executive on 1300 292 442.
Australia Day Committee
To plan, organise and execute the Australia Day celebrations for the Wagga Wagga Local Government.
Australia Day Committee Terms of Reference (PDF, 155.5 KB)
Councillor Members:
Councillor Dallas Tout
Councillor Georgie Davies
Alternate: Councillor Tim Koschel
Community Members:
- Rory McKenzie
- Mark Wetteland
- Ros Prangnell
- Saba Nabi
- Syed Haris Omar
- Amita Nariya
- Jessikah McCarthy
- Deidre Tome
Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee
The Committee provides advice to Council on the development, implementation and delivery of actions contained in the Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan for the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area.
The FRMAC provides a forum for discussion of the differing viewpoints within the study area, identifying management options and considering and making recommendations to Council on appropriate measures and controls with the primary objective of achieving an equitable result for the study area.
The final decision to proceed with a particular recommendation of the FRMAC is made by a vote of Wagga Wagga City Council.
Floodplain Risk Management Committee - Terms of Reference 256.1 KB Download
Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee Guidelines 2.0 MB Download
Committee Membership:
Councillor Member:
Councillor Rod Kendall
Councillor Jenny McKinnon
Councillor Dallas Tout
Alternate: Councillor Richard Foley
Community Members:
Ros Pragnell
Jenny Rolfe
Tim Kurylowicz
Patricia Murray
Industry Representatives:
Riverina Local Land Services
State Emergency Services
NSW Office of Environment and Heritage
NSW Department of Planning
Council staff
Co-opted Members
North Wagga Wagga - Michael Friend
North Wagga Wagga - Karen Murray
Uranquinty - Brian Mahoney
The minutes from all Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee meetings can be found on our site.
General Manager’s Performance Review Committee
Undertakes the review of the General Manager’s performance, to monitor progress and achievement of the identified outcomes and provide recommendations to Council.
Councillor Members:
Councillor Dallas Tout (Mayor)
Councillor Amelia Parkins (Deputy Mayor)
Councillor Richard Foley
Councillor Rod Kendall
Councillor Jenny McKinnon
Honours Committee including Sporting Hall of Fame
Consideration to and make recommendations to Council relating to City honours being bestowed on a person or group.
Councillor Members:
All Councillors
Local Traffic Committee
Technical review committee that is required to advise and make recommendations to the Council on traffic related matters referred to it by the Council or other authorities.
A guide to the Delegation of Councils for the Regulation of Traffic
Councillor Member:
Councillor Richard Foley
Alternate - Councillor Georgie Davies
Committee Members:
1 x Representative of NSW Police
1 x Representative of the Roads and Martine Services
1 x Local State member of Parliament (MP) or their nominee
To see the minutes for the Local Traffic Committee, go to
Major Events, Festivals and Films Sponsorship Advisory Panel
The Major Events, Festivals and Films Sponsorship program offers financial and/or in-kind support to eligible events that activate the city and generate benefits for our community and businesses.
Council seeks to ensure the available funding is distributed as equitably as possible within the guidelines.
Major Events Panel - Terms of Reference (PDF, 153.7 KB)
Industry Representatives:
Belinda Anderson
Matt Holt
Sophie Kurylowicz
Council's Events Officer
Council's Visitor Economy and Event Team Leader
Museum of the Riverina Community Committee
The Museum of the Riverina Botanic Gardens site is under a Lease arrangement between the Lessor Wagga Wagga and District Historical Society Inc. and Lessee Wagga Wagga City Council for the establishment and operation of the Museum of the Riverina.
Museum of the Riverina Community Committee - Terms of Reference (PDF, 117.8 KB)
Wagga Wagga & District Historical Society Members
Geoff Burch
Brian Andrews
Geoff Haddon
Peter Gissing
Community Members:
Julie Briggs
Margaret Keys
Wayne Doubleday
Noel Thomson
Public Art Advisory Panel
The Public Art Panel has been established in accordance with Council’s adopted Public Art Policy, to guide the commissioning of public art and management of the Public Art Collection in line with the Public Art Policy and Public Art Plan.
Public Art Panel Terms of Reference (PDF, 156.1 KB)
Councillor Member:
Councillor Georgie Davies
Councillor Jenny Mckinnon
Industry Representative:
Dr. Sam Bowker
Community Representatives:
Thomas Lemerle
Georgia Crowden
Council Officers
Manager Art Gallery (Chairperson)
Cultural Officer
Project Management Office Representative
Find out more information about the Public Art Advisory Panel.
Sister City Community Committee
The primary purpose of the Committee is to assist the Mayor’s office plan and host Sister City exchanges in an inclusive consultative process with the community and stakeholders.
Refer to the Sister City Community Committee Terms of Reference
Councillor Members
The Mayor and two Councillors
Community Members
Brian Andrews PSM
Melissa McKinnon
Robyn McPherson
Ali Tanner
Janine Tout
Lesley Vennell
Minutes from the Sister City Committee meetings can be found on our site.
Southern Joint Regional Planning Panel
Make determinations on Development Applications that meet the criteria which is laid out in Schedule 4A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act
Councillor Member:
Councillor Amelia Parkins
Councillor Michael Henderson
Alternate Councillor Member:
Councillor Dallas Tout
Members appointed by the Minister of Planning:
Hon. Pam Allan
Alison McCabe
Renata Brooks
Find out more info about the Southern Joint Regional Planning Panel here
External organisations and committees
In addition to the above, Council also has representation on a number of external organisations and committees being:
- Bushfire Management Committee: Councillor Amelia Parkins - Alternate: Councillor Tim Koschel
- Inland Rail - Albury to Illabo Project Community Committee: Councillor Richard Foley - Alternate: Councillor Rod Kendall
- Murray Darling Association: Councillor Richard Foley - Alternate: Councillor Rod Kendall
- NSW Public Libraries Association: Councillor Amelia Parkins and Councillor Dallas Tout - Alternate: Councillor Rod Kendall
- Riverina Conservatorium of Music: Councillor Amelia Parkins
- Riverina Regional Library Advisory Committee: Councillor Rod Kendall, Councillor Dallas Tout, Councillor Amelia Parkins and Councillor Jenny McKinnon
- Riverina Water County Council: Councillor Tim Koschel, Councillor Michael Henderson, Councillor Georgie Davies, Councillor Jenny McKinnon and Councillor Dallas Tout
- Transgrid Humelink Community Consultative Committee: Councillor Rod Kendall - Alternate: Councillor Richard Foley
Miscellaneous membership by constitution, resolution or agreement
Further, the Council is also represented on the following committees and bodies, by the Mayor and/or General Manager, by constitution, resolution or agreement:
- Canberra Joint Organisation - The Mayor and General Manager
- Country Mayor’s Association - The Mayor and General Manager
- Regional Capitals Australia – The Mayor and General Manager
- Riverina Joint Organisation – The Mayor and General Manager
- Riverina Regional Cities – The Mayor and General Manager