Property & Contact Details
Lot & DP numbers
Assesment number - see rates notice (Optional)
Area of land (acres/hectares - please specify)
Owners name
Best contact number
Email Address
Occupier's name - If different to owner (Optional)
Occupier's contact number (Optional)
Occupier's postal address (Optional)
Council officers may need to inspect your on-site sewage management system. Please provide the name, address and phone numbers of the person to be contacted should an inspection be necessary: (Optional)
Site Details
Number of bedrooms in house - residential (Optional)
Number of occupants on premises - Non-residential (Optional)
How far is your disposal area from the nearest body of water? (m/km - please specify)
Describe the body of water (eg: permanent creek, dam etc)
Distance of disposal area from the nearest downhill boundary (m/km - please specify)
Distance of disposal area from nearest residence (m/km - please specify)
Distance of disposal area from nearest bore (m/km - please specify)
Level of groundwater if known (m) (Optional)
Are there any other aspects of your waste treatment system or property you consider to be of relevance to the registration of the system? (Optional)