Policies are resolutions of Council to guide the management of an issue. Many Council Policies are enforceable as law under the Local Government Act or other legislation. Others simply state the overarching intent of Council on an issue - they constitute a direction to the General Manager.
Council Policies were adopted by resolution of Council on 17 October 2022, and at subsequent Council meetings.
Council's Policies can be viewed by finding them through the search below or by visiting the Customer Service counter, Civic Centre, Baylis Street, Wagga Wagga.
You may wish to revisit this site, as these policies may be changed or added to by Council resolution, with suitable opportunity for public comment.
Comments or suggestions can be made in writing to The General Manager, Wagga Wagga City Council, PO Box 20, Wagga Wagga 2650 or by email council@wagga.nsw.gov.au
Acquisition, Disposal and Management of Land POL 038 (PDF, 256.2 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/5656/Acquisition,-Disposal-and-Management-of-Land-Policy-POL-038..pdf
This policy outlines the fundamental principles and processes to be followed by Council when dealing with the acquisition, disposal and/or management of public land (including Crown Land of which Council is the appointed Crown Land Manager).
Activities in Public Road Reserves POL 008 (PDF, 210.0 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/5665/Activities-in-Public-Road-Reseves-Policy-POL-008..pdf
This Policy is designed to clarify and to address aspects of road reserves as assets and as resources for the community. These include ownership, funding, management, maintenance and the use of road reserves under Council's control.
Activities on Footpath Policy POL 041 (PDF, 1.4 MB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/5666/Activities-on-Footpath-Policy-POL-041..pdf
This policy details the variety of activities carried out on footpaths and car parks under Council's control. It details the procedure on how to make an application and what conditions are applicable to the approval that the prospective applicants need to understand and comply with.
Appointment of Organisation Community and Individual Citizen Members to Council Committees Policy POL 117 (PDF, 165.9 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0012/2244/Appointment-of-organisation-community,-individual-citizen-members-to-Council-Committees-Policy-POL-117..pdf
The objective of this policy is to prescribe the process for the appointment of individuals to Council Committee as either representing organisations or the general community.
Asbestos Policy POL 029 (PDF, 515.1 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/45283/Asbestos-Policy-POL-029..pdf
Wagga Wagga City Council acknowledges the serious health hazard of exposure to asbestos. The Policy provides information for the local community and wider public.
Asset Management Policy POL 001 (PDF, 165.9 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0018/70434/Asset-Management-Policy-POL-001.pdf
The Asset Management Policy ensures that adequate provision is made to ensure the community’s assets deliver their agreed level of service to the best of the organisation’s ability.
Awnings Policy POL 050 (PDF, 164.3 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/5645/Awning-Policy-POL-050..pdf
This policy has been designed to protect public health and safety from the risk of harm, injury or death which may result from the failure of an awning of an awning overhanging the Council's footways.
Budget Policy POL 052 (PDF, 141.5 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/32868/Budget-Policy-POL-052..pdf
This policy provides clear direction to management and staff in relation to budget management and reporting performance against Council's adopted budget.
Business Continuity Policy POL 081 (PDF, 202.8 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/2223/Business-Continuity-Policy-POL-081..pdf
The purpose of this policy is to maintain the highest possible integrity and continuity for services provided by the Council, safeguard the Council's assets, including people, property and financial resources, ensure the uninterrupted availability of resources so that Council can continue to perform the Critical Business Functions that support its critical objectives.
Child Safe Policy POL 083 (PDF, 213.6 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/18535/Child-Safe-Policy-POL-083..pdf
This Policy demonstrates Wagga Wagga City Council's commitment to the protection of children and young people. and supports key objectives of Council's Strategic Plan 2008-2018 "Our City Our Tomorrow" to support and promote the safety, health and wellbeing of the community and to become an employer of choice.
Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Policy POL 058 (PDF, 188.0 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/27824/Closed-Circuit-Television-CCTV-Policy-POL-058..pdf
This policy underpins the introduction, ongoing management and operation of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) within the Central Business District (CBD) of Wagga Wagga. Standard Operating Procedures will guide staff in the day-to-day operation of the scheme and ensure alignment with the NSW Government Policy Statement and Guidelines for the Establishment and Implementation of CCTV in Public Places.
Code of Conduct (PDF, 4.1 MB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0010/157915/Code-of-Conduct..pdf
Code of Conduct - Administrative Procedures (PDF, 3.7 MB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0014/21326/Code-of-Conduct-Administrative-Procedures..pdf
These procedures ("the Model Code Procedures") are prescribed for the purposes of the administration of the Model Code of Conduct for Local Councils in NSW ("the Model Code"). The Model Code and Model Code Procedures are made under sections 440 and 440AA respectively of the Local Government Act 1993 ("the Act") and the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 ("the Regulation"). Sections 440 and 440AA of the Act require every council to adopt a code of conduct and procedures for the administration of the code of conduct that incorporate the provisions of the Model Code and Model Code Procedures respectively.
Code of Meeting Practice (PDF, 5.7 MB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/16892/CodeOfMeetingPractice_2022_FINAL.pdf
This Code sets out the procedures for all Council and Council Committee meetings. The Code incorporates the meeting procedure requirements set out in the Local Government Act 1993 and the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021. It also contains additional provisions specific to the City of Wagga Wagga.
Commercial Advertising on Council Assets Policy POL 023 (PDF, 131.6 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0019/5572/Commercial-Advertising-on-Council-Assets-Policy-POL-023..pdf
This policy applies to commercial advertising at Council by commercial or other organisations.
Community Facility Direction Signs Policy - POL 015 (PDF, 146.9 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0016/20077/Community-Facility-Direction-Signs-Policy-POL-015..pdf
The purpose of this Policy is to simplify the requirements of road users within the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area (LGA) to locate community facilities through directional signage, in compliance with Australian Standard AS1742.5:1997 and AS/NZS1906.1:2007.
Community Gardens Policy POL 024 (PDF, 154.9 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0007/2203/Community-Gardens-Policy-POL-024..pdf
Wagga Wagga City Council supports the development of community gardens by working in conjunction with community partners. The scope of this policy is to provide a policy and management framework for sites around the Local Government Area.
Community Sharps Management Policy POL 088 (PDF, 128.8 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0016/5623/Community-Sharps-Management-Policy-POL-088..pdf
This policy aims to maintain high standards of workplace safety, public health and safety, and environmental management through effective management of the disposal of community sharps.
Complaints Handling Policy POL 103 (PDF, 188.5 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0010/2233/Complaints-Handling-Policy-POL-103..pdf
Council is committed to ensuring the opportunity is available to express dissatisfaction through an effective complaints management system and that any complaint received through the system is dealt with courteously, investigated fully and acted on within an appropriate time period.
The purpose of this policy is to bring together a common best practice approach to responding to the death of an employee or Councillor. It is important that the relevant information reaches the right people and that, where necessary, staff are provided with appropriate support.
Conflicts of Interest Policy POL 112 (PDF, 272.4 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0014/2237/Conflict-of-Interests-Policy-POL-112..pdf
Conflicts of interest can arise when Councillors or Council staff are influenced, or appear to be influenced, by personal interest when carrying out their duties. The perception of a conflict can be as damaging as an actual conflict, because it undermines public confidence in the integrity of the organisation involved and its staff.
Contaminated Lands Management Policy POL 030 (PDF, 194.7 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0017/67301/Contaminated-Land-Management-Policy-POL-030..pdf
The Contaminated Land Management Policy, outlines requirements relating to the use and / or development of land that is or may be contaminated. This policy has been developed under the provisions of the Contaminated Land Management Act 1997 (CLM Act), is associated State Environmental Planning Policy No. 55 – Remediation of land and the Managing Land Contamination – Planning Guidelines.
Corporate Purchase Card Policy POL 053 (PDF, 202.9 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0019/74170/Corporate-Purchase-Card-Policy-POL-053.pdf
The purpose of this Policy is to assist Council employees and the Mayor in complying with Wagga Wagga City Council policy and procedures for business supplied Corporate Purchase Cards and in particular, to outline the conditions of use for Corporate Purchase Card when purchasing goods and services for Council operations.
Council-related Development Application Conflicts of Interest Management Policy POL 045 (PDF, 159.5 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/252731/Council-related-Development-Application-Conflicts-of-Interest-Management-Policy-POL-045-.pdf
This policy aims to manage potential conflicts of interest and increase transparency at all stages of the development process for council-related development.
Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy POL 025 (PDF, 234.8 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0013/2218/Councillor-Expenses-and-Facilities-Policy-POL-025..pdf
The Local Government Act 1993 requires that Council must adopt a policy concerning the payment of expenses incurred by, and the provision of facilities to the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor and other Councillors.
Councillor Induction and Professional Development Policy POL 113 (PDF, 158.2 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0016/2239/Councillor-Induction-and-Professional-Development-Policy-POL-113..pdf
The objective of this policy is to ensure that activities are available to all Councillors which contribute to the achievement of Wagga Wagga City Council's strategic and good governance objectives.
Councillor and Staff Interaction Policy POL 089 (PDF, 267.1 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0011/2225/Councillor-and-Staff-Interaction-Policy-POL-089.pdf
This policy deals with the interaction between Councillors and Council staff, as well as Councillors' access to Council offices and their access to Council records and information.
Councillors Records Management Policy POL 043 (PDF, 283.6 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/2220/Councillors-Records-and-Document-Management-Policy-POL-043.pdf
The intent of this policy is to assist Councillors in meeting their obligations under the State Records Act, and provides guidance on what those obligations are.
Debt Management Policy POL 017 (PDF, 419.6 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/108086/Debt-Management-Policy-POL-017..pdf
Council’s Debt Recovery Policy aims to provide a framework for the recovery of unpaid rates and charges and unpaid sundry debtor accounts.
Delegations Policy - POL 060 (PDF, 171.0 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0013/24430/Delegations-Policy-POL-060..pdf
The Delegations Policy provides clear principles and a framework for the delegation of functions within Wagga Wagga City Council.
Developer Infrastructure Agreements Policy POL 121 (PDF, 261.3 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/206680/Developer-Infrastructure-Agreements-Policy-POL-121..pdf
The main purpose of this policy is to explain how Council will allow or enter into Developer Infrastructure Agreements to support new development and the increasing population.
The Policy sets out the criteria considered by Council when deciding whether to permit commercial EV charging infrastructure on public land, and to support equitable access to EV charging for residents and visitors.
Enforcement and Prosecution Policy POL 012 (PDF, 146.5 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/5588/Enforcement-and-Prosecution-Policy-POL-012..pdf
The Enforcement and Prosecution Policy reflects the need for the decision making process of the Council authorised officers to be carried out in a transparent, efficient, fair and consistent manner having regard to all the circumstances.
Equal Employment Opportunity Policy POL 085 (PDF, 163.9 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0018/5634/Equal-Employment-Opportunity-POL-085..pdf
Wagga Wagga City Council has a legislative obligation to ensure the principles of equal employment opportunity and anti-discrimination are promoted and adhered to in the workplace. Discrimination in employment and in the supply of goods and services is unlawful under Commonwealth and New South Wales legislation.
Executive and Lease Back Vehicles POL 076 (PDF, 166.4 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/5629/Executive-and-Leaseback-Vehicles-Policy-POL-076..pdf
The objective of this policy is to ensure that Council's passenger vehicle fleet is utilised properly and maintained in good condition and that the related Leaseback agreement with employees serves as an incentive to their employment with Council.
Financial Assistance Policy POL 078 (PDF, 326.7 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/69818/Financial-Assistance-Policy-POL-078.pdf
This policy will assist Council to determine an equitable and effective basis for the provision of financial assistance to meet the special needs of the community in line with Section 356 of the Local Government Act 1993 (the Act).
Council's Financial Hardship Payment Arrangements and Waiving of Interest Policy is to provide a formal process for the administration of assisting those ratepayers who are experiencing genuine financial hardship with the payment of their rates and/or charges.
Financial Reserves for Future Expenditures POL 021 (PDF, 130.4 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0018/5607/Financial-Reserves-for-Future-Expenditures-Policy-POL-021..pdf
The objective of this policy is to establish a policy structure for the creation and maintenance of reserves. The setting aside of amounts of cash from revenues to fund future capital expenditures by establishing reserves is a key component of Local Government financial management.
Fraud and Corruption Control Policy POL 100 (PDF, 207.8 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/2231/Fraud-and-Corruption-Control-Policy-POL-100..pdf
Council is committed to preventing fraud at its origin and believes that an emphasis on prevention and detection is the best way to deal with fraud. The underlining thrust of Council's policy on fraud prevention is to encourage the public and staff to understand that fraudulent acts against Council are unacceptable, may constitute a criminal offence and will be prosecuted.
Hiring a Council Community Centre or Hall Policy POL 061 (PDF, 216.1 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/40549/Hiring-of-a-Council-Community-Centre-or-Hall-Policy-POL-061..pdf
The Policy aims to ensure that a range of user groups have fair and equitable access to Council’s Community Facilities.
Internal Loans Borrowing Policy POL 020 (PDF, 144.1 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0017/5606/Internal-Loan-Borrowings-Policy-POL-020..pdf
The objective of this policy is to establish a Council policy in relation to the operations of the internal loan scheme, including types of projects to be funded, interest rates and associated matters.
Investment Policy POL 075 (PDF, 152.2 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0012/5610/Investment-Policy-POL-075-June-2024.pdf
This policy aims to ensure that Council's funds are invested in a financially responsible manner, and that the capital component of investment funds is maintained in real terms and in addition a reasonable rate of return is achieved.
Legislative Compliance Policy POL 101 (PDF, 152.6 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/2232/Legislative-Compliance-Policy-POL-101..pdf
This policy, and the principles aim to prevent, and where necessary, identify and respond to breaches of laws, regulations, codes or organisational standards occurring in the organisation, promote a culture of compliance within the organisation; and assist the Council in achieving the highest standards of governance.
Liquid Trade Waste Regulation Policy POL 006 (PDF, 564.0 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0017/2249/Liquid-Trade-Waste-Regulations-Policy-POL-006..pdf
This policy sets out how Wagga Wagga City Council will regulate sewerage and trade waste discharges into its sewer system in accordance with the NSW Framework and Regulation of Sewerage and Trade Waste.
Loans Borrowing Policy POL 019 (PDF, 151.7 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/24465/Loans-Borrowing-Policy-POL-019..pdf
The objective of this policy is to ensure that Council's loan borrowing procedures and commitments complies with relevant legislation and stays within optimum levels for annual budget and other financial purposes.
Loans to Community Organisations Management Policy POL 010 (PDF, 187.9 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0017/45305/Loans-to-Community-Organisations-Management-Policy-POL-010.pdf
This Policy aims to facilitate the ongoing improvements to facilities and development of Community Organisations in partnership with Council.
Lobbying of Councillors Policy POL 091 (PDF, 191.4 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0013/2227/Lobbying-of-Councillors-Policy-POL-091..pdf
This Policy has been prepared to assist the Mayor and Councillors to manage the conflict of roles that may arise when they receive representations from special interest groups, by individuals with a direct interest in a Council decision or by advocates acting on behalf of others seeking the Councillor to represent their interests in a matter before the Council.
Major Events, Festivals and Films Sponsorship Policy POL 087 (PDF, 163.1 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/5618/Major-events,-festivals-and-films-sponsorship-policy-POL-087..pdf
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that Council receives maximum economic benefit from its funding allocation for sponsorship and to ensure that the available funds are distributed in a transparent manner. The Policy will be used to guide Council officers and elected officials in determining the distribution of the funding for the sponsorship of major events.
Media Policy POL 090 (PDF, 145.6 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0012/2226/Media-Policy-POL-090..pdf
This policy is intended to provide guidance and a consistent framework for the provision of media comment in relation to Council business.
Mobile Food Vendors - Trading in Public Places POL 062 (PDF, 261.6 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0019/125065/Mobile-Food-Vendor-Trading-in-Public-Places-POL-062-2022.pdf
This policy has been developed to guide mobile food vendor activity. It seeks to be well balanced by facilitating mobile food vendor operations while protecting public health, safe-guarding local business proprietor interests and maintaining community welfare in public spaces.
Museum of the Riverina Collection Management Policy POL 074 (PDF, 212.0 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0012/2208/Museum-of-the-Riverina-Collection-Management-Policy-POL-074..pdf
The purpose of the Policy is to serve the City of Wagga Wagga and its communities through the establishment and operation of a best practice regional museum.
Parks Naming Policy POL 055 (PDF, 145.9 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0016/22561/Parks-Naming-Policy-POL-055-2023.pdf
The Parks Naming Policy provides a mechanism for the appropriate naming of open space areas within the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area (LGA) and provides an opportunity for the community to put forward names for consideration by Council.
Petitions Management Policy POL 086 (PDF, 141.4 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0010/2224/Petitions-Management-Policy-POL-086..pdf
The objective of the Petitions Management Policy is to ensure the views of the community are presented to Councillors and staff in order to be considered when making decisions and to set out a consistent approach to ensure petitions are authentic and are handled in an effective and timely manner.
Plaques Policy POL 028 (PDF, 166.8 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/2204/Plaques-Policy-POL-028..pdf
The purpose of this Policy is intended to provide guidance and a consistent framework for the installation of all plaques to be installed in the City of Wagga Wagga local government area.
Privacy Policy POL 095 (PDF, 165.2 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/18139/Privacy-Policy-POL-095..pdf
This policy sets out the relevant requirements to promote the protection of personal and health information and the protection of privacy, and provides the foundation for Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
Processing Development Applications lodged by Councillors, Staff and Individuals POL 046 (PDF, 171.7 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0007/2221/Processing-Development-Applications-and-Planning-Proposals-lodged-by-Councillors,-staff-and-their-respective-relatives-Policy-POL-046.pdf
The objective of this policy is to provide a transparent protocol for the determination of development applications lodged by Councillors, Council Staff and their relatives, and development applications lodged by Council for development on Council owned land.
Procurement and Disposal Policy POL 110 (PDF, 206.2 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0007/5659/Procurement-and-Disposal-Policy-POL-110.pdf
This Policy has be developed to standardise and co-ordinate purchasing and disposal practices and procedures at Wagga Wagga City Council in the procurement of goods and services.
Public Access to Information Policy POL 108 (PDF, 182.8 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0013/2236/Public-Access-to-Information-Policy-POL-108..pdf
The Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act) extends the right of the community to have access to information held by State Government departments, local and public authorities with a view to achieving more open, accountable, fair and transparent government. The purpose of this Policy is to facilitate the public's right to access government information under the GIPA Act.
Public Art Policy POL 109 (PDF, 148.6 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0007/2212/Public-Art-Policy-POL-109..pdf
The objective of this policy is to Develop an integrated approach to public art planning and create opportunities for employment and training for artists in our community to enable them to develop and work in a creative environment.
Public Interest Disclosures Policy POL 097 (PDF, 523.7 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0014/2228/Public-Interest-Disclosure-Policy-POL-097.pdf
This Policy establishes an internal reporting system for the reporting of disclosures of corrupt conduct, maladministration or the serious and substantial waste of public money by the Wagga Wagga City Council, its staff and Councillors.
Regional Procurement Preference Policy - POL 064 (PDF, 249.5 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/153704/Regional-Procurement-Preference-Policy-POL-064..pdf
The purpose of this policy is to encourage and support regional businesses and support economic activity within the region, where it is efficient to do so, while achieving Council’s overall ‘value for money’ objectives. Council recognises that through supporting regional businesses it can assist in economic sustainability that will flow to social benefits across regional communities.
Related Party Disclosure Policy - POL 031 (PDF, 260.8 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/69177/Related-Party-Disclosure-Policy-POL-031..pdf
This Policy has been developed to provide guidance in complying with the Local Government Act, section 413(3), which requires Council to prepare its General Purpose Financial Statements in compliance with Australian Accounting Standards. The relevant standard for the purpose of this Policy is AASB 124 Related Party Disclosures, July 2015 (AASB 124).
Council aims to provide fair and reasonable access to garbage and recycling services for all residents through a contractor. This policy seeks to minimise loss of access to services and cost to Council through theft of landholders' kerbside collection bins.
Return on Investment Council Businesses Policy POL 013 (PDF, 231.6 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/45265/Return-on-Investment-Council-Businesses-Policy-POL-013..pdf
Council provides more than seventy different services, and programs to the community which aligns with its charter under the Local Government Act 1993.
Risk Management Policy POL 079 (PDF, 173.1 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/2222/Risk-Management-Policy-POL-079..pdf
The purpose of this policy is to establish the systems and processes required to manage the risks involved in Council's activities so as to maximise opportunities and minimise negative outcomes.
Road and Suburb Naming Policy (PDF, 382.7 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0011/37298/Road-and-Road-and-Suburb-Naming-Policy-POL-047.pdf
The purpose of this policy is to outline a clear set of guidelines for road naming and renaming with appropriate reference to Legislative Requirements and Geographic Names Board Guidelines.
Security Deposits Interest Payments POL 051 (PDF, 190.2 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0019/5608/Security-Deposits-Interest-Payments-Policy-POL-051..pdf
The purpose of this policy is to facilitate the processing of interest payments on security deposits held by Council pursuant to a development/approval condition.
Sewer Policy POL 036 (PDF, 609.6 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/16734/Sewer-Policy-POL-036..pdf
As part of this overall objective Council has a Sewer Objective of "the protection of the health and amenity of the entire City, by ensuring that appropriate Sewer Services are provided and maintained".
Signs as Remote Supervision Policy POL 011 (PDF, 132.2 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/5672/Signs-as-Remote-Supervision-Policy-POL-011..pdf
The Signs as Remote Supervision Policy was developed to provide a simple, systematic and readily useable procedure to determine signage requirements for facilities within Wagga Wagga City Council (WWCC), such as reserves, parks and pools, which are owned and/or operated by Council or under the care and control of WWCC.
Stormwater Policy POL 037 (PDF, 617.6 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0012/2253/Stormwater-Policy-POL-037..pdf
This policy provides for the consideration and creation of encumbrances of stormwater assets by buildings and other structures or assets. The policy is an interim policy which is intended to provide for the period up to the establishment of a stormwater system asset database that is equivalent to the existing sewer system asset database.
Street Tree Policy - POL 048.pdf (PDF, 134.3 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/76189/Street-Tree-Policy-POL-048..pdf
This Policy applies to all street trees planted and manage by Council throughout the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area.
Swimming Pool Policy POL 049 (PDF, 205.7 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0019/5644/Swimming-Pool-Safety-Policy-POL-049..pdf
This policy has been designed to provide advise to the community regarding the dangers of drowning presented to young children, particularly those under the age of five years, by domestic swimming pools. The objectives of this policy are to: save and protect lives by preventing drowning in backyard pools; and inform pool owners of their responsibilities.
Temporary Event Signage Policy - POL 059 (PDF, 167.4 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0019/123391/Temporary-Event-Signage-Policy-POL-059..pdf
This Policy is intended to provide guidance and a consistent framework for the display of community event signage in designated locations in the City of Wagga Wagga.
Unreasonable Complainant Contact Policy – POL 056 (PDF, 248.0 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0013/21406/Unreasonable-Complainant-Contact-Policy-POL-056.pdf
This policy sets out Council’s approach to the communication Council considers unreasonable or unacceptable received from customers, and the action it will take in order to manage the situation.
Use of Council Logo and Coat of Arms POL 026 (PDF, 538.2 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0014/2219/Use-of-Council-Logo-and-Coat-of-Arms-Policy-POL-026..pdf
The purpose of this policy is to protect the image of Council through the use of Council's Logo and the Wagga Wagga Coat of Arms by organisations outside of Council.
Wagga Wagga Art Gallery Exhibition Policy POL 005 (PDF, 151.6 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/2202/Wagga-Wagga-Art-Gallery-Exhibition-Policy-POL-005..pdf
This policy determines the parameters and guidelines for the use of the Wagga Wagga Art Gallery's community exhibition spaces - Links Gallery and the E3 art space.
Wagga Wagga Art Gallery Management Policy POL 004 (PDF, 168.9 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/2201/Wagga-Wagga-Art-Gallery-Management-Policy-POL-004..pdf
This policy determines the parameters and guidelines for the acquisition and accession of artworks into the permanent collections of the Wagga Wagga Art Gallery.
Wagga Wagga Cemeteries Policy POL 039 (PDF, 147.7 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0017/2195/Wagga-Wagga-Cemeteries-Policy-POL-039..pdf
The objective of this Policy is to set clear guidelines for the efficient operation and maintenance of Council's Cemeteries and Crematorium.
Weed Management Policy POL 033 (PDF, 162.5 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/5598/Weed-Management-Policy-POL-033..pdf
The objective of this policy is to control all declared noxious weeds to a point of minimum impact on the community, industry, environment and economy within the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area (LGA).
Work Health and Safety Policy POL 080 (PDF, 222.4 KB)/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/18644/Work-Health-and-Safety-Policy-POL-080..pdf
The objective of this Policy is to ensure as far as is reasonably practicable that Wagga Wagga City Council complies with its legislative obligations as required by various acts governing work health, safety and injury management through consultation and risk management, commit to a system that allows us to identify and assess risks, and eliminate and/or minimise risk to health and safety of workers and others, promote work health and safety as a shared responsibility of all in the workplace, clearly define roles and responsibilities for Work Health and Safety and promote effective consultation on Work Health and Safety matters with workers and others.