Strategic Planning

As part of our role, Council undertakes strategic planning for our communities. We do this across a range of fields, including land use, biodiversity, open space and infrastructure.

Strategic Planning in Wagga Wagga

Strategic land use planning enables us to identify and plan for certain uses in certain locations across the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area (LGA). Currently, Council’s Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) provides the strategic direction for the Wagga Wagga LGA for the next 20 years.

Even though we will update the LSPS before 2040, the LSPS enables Council, the community and industries to understand what we want Wagga to be and how we are going to achieve it.

What strategic planning are we currently undertaking?

  • Northern Growth Area
  • Southern Growth Area
  • CBD Masterplan

The LSPS actions also identified several other strategic documents to be prepared, including:

  • Local Housing Strategy
  • Rural Lands Strategy
  • Villages Masterplans

We are currently working through the scope and timeframes for these strategies. As more information becomes available, pages on Connect Wagga will be developed to keep the community up to date and aware of the strategic planning underway across Wagga Wagga.

If you have any questions, you can contact Council’s Strategic Planning Team on 1300 292 442.