The fees and charges listed below apply for the 2024/25 financial year.

Gregadoo Waste Management Centre fees

Cardboard/ Paper/ bottles/ cansFREE
Car/ Truck BatteriesFREE
Cooking oilFREE
Motor Oil (up to 20L)FREE
Computer eWasteFREE
Paint (maximum of 100L in containers of up to 20L)FREE
Gas bottles and fire extinguishers up to and including 20kg (Household quantities only)FREE
Fluora Globes and Tubes (Household quantities only)FREE
Smoke Detectors (Household quantities only)FREE
Minimum disposal charge per load$18.00
Clean & separated rubble $80.00/ tonne
Domestic & general Putrescible waste$170.00/tonne
Green waste$155.00/tonne
Unsorted construction and demolition waste*$285.00/tonne
Non specified industrial waste (minimum charge 1 tonne)$235.00/tonne
Specialist wastes -  e.g Industrial waste, medical and asbestos waste (minimum charge 1 tonne) $345.00/tonne
Specialist Waste - domestic asbestos <150kg or less than 10m2 - minimum charge$170.00
Specialist Waste - Homeowners Asbestos Scheme <150kg with registration and purchase of DIY kit, or up
to 5,000kg free disposal with a registered licenced contractor. (For domestic properties only, charges are
paid prior to disposal)
Tyre - Bicycle$15.00/each
Tyre - Passenger vehicle$20.00/each
Tyre - Truck (small)$34.00/each
Tyre - Truck$65.00/each
Tyre - Super single$90.00/each
Tyre - Small tractor$145.00/each
Tyre - Large tractor$185.00/each
Car body$80.00/each
Scrap Steel$31.00/tonne
Refrigerative equipment CFC de-gassing (per unit)$31.00/each
Mattress or bases$32.00/each
Dead animals - cats & dogs$18.00/each
Dead animals - small stock$34.00/each
Dead animals - large stock$145.00/each
Any requests for video footage, photo requests, weighbridge dockets and administration requests
(Please note any requests that may relate to privacy issues would be subject to a GIPA request).
*Penalty rate per tonne for disposal of  >20% level of recoverable material in either Construction Demolition or General Solid Waste Loads. Contamination level will be determined by site supervisor. Recoverable materials include cardboard and polystyrene products.This fee has been established as a penalty for disposing of unsorted materials which contain greater than 20% recyclable materials. Council provides free cardboard and polystyrene recycling and also provides a much cheaper rate of $70.00/tonne for sorted materials or customers utilising the transfer station to sort materials onsite.$95.00/tonne

Rural Transfer Stations fees

Recyclable material (Tarcutta, Mangoplah, Uranquinty, Galore, Humula, Collingullie and Currawarna only) house hold recyclables  eg Cardboard/ Paper/ Cans/ Glass BottlesFREE
General waste - per bin, bag or box (approximately 40kg)$5.00
General  waste - utility, single axle trailer (1.8m x 1.2m)$30.00
General waste - large loads, utility with single axel trailer $45.00
Waste NOT accepted - Tyres/ Pesticides/Car bodies/Mattresses/Dead Stock/Liquid Waste/Gas Bottles/White Goods/ Old Batteries/ All Green Waste/All Metals/Building, Commercial & Industrial Waste/Toxic Chemicals/E-Waste Products.
All Waste that is not accepted at a rural waste facility is accepted at Gregadoo  Waste Management Center.