Our community vision, principles and priorities
As part of the Community Strategic Plan 2040 - Wagga View, the community adopted a vision for the city:
In 2040 Wagga Wagga will be a thriving, innovative, connected and inclusive community on the Murrumbidgee. Rich in opportunity, choice, learning and environment, Wagga is a place where paths cross and people meet.
To ensure that we achieve the community vision in the future, it is necessary that we start embedding elements of that vision into today’s planning. Four key words have been chosen by the community to be used as guiding principles in planning for our future.
- Thriving
- Innovative
- Connected
- Inclusive
The document contains five strategic directions for the city based on the consultation undertaken. The five strategic directions are:
- Community leadership and collaboration
- Safe and healthy
- Growing economy
- Community place and identity
- The environment
Council’s mission, vision and values
Our Mission
Contribute to a vibrant growing community by providing excellence in leadership, and delivery of ‘best value’ infrastructure and services, supporting quality living in an improving sustainable environment.
Our Vision
To be acclaimed by our community for our passion, professionalism and performance.
Our Values
Council’s corporate values are the guiding principles on which Council bases its beliefs and behaviour. They underpin all that Council does as an organisation.
Our four corporate values are:
- Trust
- Respect
- Innovation
- Teamwork
Statement of business ethics
The City of Wagga Wagga is committed to high ethical standards and this Statement of Business Ethics sets out the standards the Council requires of Council officials (Councillors, staff and delegates), contractors and their staff and other business associates.
It is essential that all City officials, contractors and their staff and other business associates work together to maintain our excellent reputation.
The standards contained in this statement are based on those in the City's Management Plan and the City's Code of Conduct.
In dealing with our council you are responsible for maintaining our high ethical standards in all contract work. The City of Wagga Wagga expects all parties to perform their duties with integrity, honesty and fairness.
Statement of Business Ethics 410.1 KB Download
What you can expect from the City
When doing business with the private sector, Council officials are accountable for their actions and are expected to:
- Respect and follow Council’s policies and procedures, and abide by the law.
- Be accountable and act in the public interest.
- Promote fair and open competition while seeking best value for money.
- Avoid personal conflicts of interest with public duty.
- Respond promptly to reasonable requests for advice and information.
- Not solicit or accept any benefit from a provider for the discharge of official duties.
- Protect confidential information.
- Assess applications objectively, considering all relevant and material factors.
- Use public resources effectively and efficiently.
- Deal fairly, honestly and ethically with all individuals and organisations.