Grants and Funding

Net Zero grants and funding initiatives

Below is a list of available grants and funding that contribute to achieving net zero target by supporting investment in renewable and energy efficient technologies. These grants and funding will give you a head start to embark on your renewable and energy efficiency journey.

SectorGrant programBrief description
Households and businessesNational Energy Bill Relief FundThe Commonwealth Government has announced that all households will receive up to $300 and small businesses will receive up to $325 to help with the cost of their electricity bills in the financial year 2024–25. 
HouseholdsNSW Energy RebatesThe NSW Government offers a number of rebates to help you reduce your energy bills. Two types of customers are eligible: Retail & On supply 
HouseholdsHousehold Energy Saving UpgradeTo reduce the cost of your energy bills, NSW government offers financial incentives to replace or install new energy-efficient equipment/appliances in NSW homes. 
Households and businessesSmall-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (For rooftop  solar, solar water heater and heat pumps)The Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) is an Australian Government program based around tradable certificates called small-scale technology certificates (STCs). It provides incentives to households and businesses to install small-scale renewable energy systems like rooftop solar, solar water heaters and air sourced heat pumps. 
Households and businessesIncentives for Residential BatteriesHomes and businesses with rooftop solar will soon be able to take advantage of Peak Demand Reduction Scheme (PDRS) incentives to install residential battery storage and connect to a Virtual Power Plant (VPP).

To explore more sectoral grants, please visit the NSW Government website