Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is energy that is generated from an infinite resource such as wind, water or the sun.

The generation and use of energy to power our homes, offices, businesses and factories are the major contributors to Wagga Wagga’s greenhouse gas emissions, making up approximately 52 per cent of our emissions profile.

Currently the NSW energy grid is still powered by finite fossil fuels such as coal and oil. Although the grid is expected to switch to using renewables, such as solar energy (energy from the sun), hydro-powered electricity (powered by running water) and wind electricity, in the future, it remains a major source of emissions.

However, there are ways in which the community can help address this through switching to renewable energy systems in the home where possible.

Rooftop solar and battery systems

Rooftop solar systems are gaining widespread popularity as a sustainable energy solution. They are powered by the sun and allow homeowners and businesses to generate their own electricity, thus reducing dependency on grid supply.

In addition, rooftop solar panels can support the electricity grid by feeding it excess energy, allowing users to receive credits for the surplus energy fed in. This can result in lowered electricity bills and reduced emissions from electricity usage.

Apart from this, these solar systems have low maintenance cost and good life span of about 25-30 years which brings huge financial savings to the owners.

Solar panels on Australian suburban roof.

Need help understanding your options for solar power?

Wagga Wagga City Council has secured free access for the community to use the premium version of SunSPOT - a not-for-profit solar calculator that helps the householders and small businesses understand the possibilities and benefits of solar on their rooftop

  • How much can I save with solar?
  • Is my roof too shady for solar?
  • What is the best size solar system for me and my household?

Developed by University of NSW and the Australian PV Institute, SunSPOT is supported by the NSW and Australian Governments, the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) and the Australian Centre for Advanced Photovoltaics (ACAP).

SunSPOT is free and confidential to use, and allows you to research switching to solar without engaging with third parties. All you need to get your estimate is your recent electricity bill.

To get your tailored estimate, visit:

Net Zero Emissions Project Officer Hemendra Chaudhary smiling at camera in front of SunSPOT presentation.
SOLAR SAVINGS: Wagga Wagga City Council Net Zero Emissions Project Officer Hemendra (Hem) Chaudhary

SunSPOT Community Help Desk

Council hosts a SunSPOT Community Help Desk every Tuesday between the hours of 2:30pm - 4:30pm in the Alf-Morris Meeting Room at the Wagga Wagga Civic Centre (243 Baylis Street, Wagga Wagga). The help desk aims to assist those who are not so tech-savvy, lack access to a computer or device, or would like a guided walkthrough.

Bookings are required by calling Council Customer Service on 1300 292 442 or by registering online via the link below.
Please make sure to bring your most recent electricity bill with you.

Register a timeslot online for the SunSPOT Community Help Desk