Water is an important resource. We need clean water to drink, water for use in our homes, water to grow our food, water for our parks and gardens, water for play, water in our school, and for our jobs.
Water is also important for our environment and the plants and animals that need this precious resource to survive.
Given that water is so important, we need to make sure we use it wisely and we keep our waterways clean from pollution.
Water conservation
It is important we use water wisely to make sure there is enough for everyone.
Riverina Water manages our local water supply and sets the restrictions for when we should and shouldn’t water our gardens. Current measures in place applies to all customers including residential, commercial, and industrial sectors.
Fixed sprinklers cannot be used between the hours of 10am – 5pm. Exceptions to this are subsoil drip irrigation systems, handheld watering, car washing and filling pools.
You can use water wisely at home by:
- Sticking to water restrictions set by Riverina Water
- Taking shorter showers
- Turning off the tap when brushing your teeth
- Waiting for full loads before running the dishwasher or washing machine
- Using a trigger hose or watering can rather than a sprinkler to water plants
- Use a timer for sprinklers, in case you forget to turn it off
- Not overwatering your garden
- Avoiding watering the garden when it is windy as most of the water will evaporate
- Training your lawn to use less water by letting the soil dry out during spring – this encourages the roots to grow deeper and makes watering more effective
- Choosing lawns and native plants that do not need as much water
Water quality
It is very important that our water stays safe and clean for us to use. Pollution in our waterways may mean some places aren’t safe for us to swim or can harm our native animals including fish, birds and frogs.
The health of our creeks, lakes, lagoons and rivers reflect the health of the land. Water flowing off the land picks up and carries pollution into these waterways.
You can help keep our water clean by:
- Placing your rubbish in the bin, never litter
- Picking up litter that you see
- Washing your car at a car wash
- Avoiding using lots of fertiliser in your garden
- Using a broom to sweep leaves rather than a hose
- Disposing of leaves and lawn clippings in the green lid bin
- Picking up after your dog when out and about for a walk
- Always remembering that the drain is just for rain
What is Council doing to save water and improve water quality?
- Conducting regular water quality testing in waterways such as the Murrumbidgee River, Lake Albert, Flowerdale Lagoon and Wollundry Lagoon. Water quality results for Lake Albert are available online.
- Delivering projects that tackle littering
- Delivering projects to educate residents on illegal dumping