The following funding categories are available through the Annual Grants Program.

The aim of the Community Programs & Projects category is to provide financial assistance for projects and services that address the following objectives identified in the Community Strategic Plan 2040:

Our community feel welcome, included, and connected

Strategy item: Provide programs and activities to bring us together

Our community feel safe

Strategy item: Create safe spaces and places

Grant officer

Victoria Lowe

Grant amount

Minimum: $1000 | Maximum: $7500

Category eligibility requirements

Projects that do two or more of the following:

  • Increase safety for vulnerable communities in areas of high crime.
  • Increase access, equity and participation for people living with a disability
  • Celebrate our community’s rich social and cultural diversity.
  • Improve the mental health and wellbeing of people living in our community.
  • Demonstrate evidence of in-kind support by the applicant.

Examples of eligible projects

  • Initiatives that increase social connection amongst older adults living within the LGA, particularly those who are socially isolated and/or experience barriers to social connection.
  • Initiatives that promote personal and community safety.
  • Installation of equipment to improve accessibility to the built environment for persons with disability, for example: rubber threshold ramps, grab rails, assistive technology.

The aim of the Recreational & Community Facilities category is to provide financial assistance for projects and services that address the following Objectives identified in the Community Strategic Plan 2040

Our community embraces healthier lifestyle choices and practices
Strategy item: Promote access and participation for all sections of the community to a full range of sports and recreational activities.

Our community are proud of where we live and our identity
Strategy item: Support and grow strong and resilient village and neighbourhood communities

Our built environment is functional, attractive, and health promoting
Strategy item: Improve the facilities of our spaces and places

Grant officers

Josh Walsh

Grant amount

Minimum: $1000 | Maximum: $10000

Category eligibility requirements

  • Demonstrate a minimum level of 50% of financial and/or in-kind contribution by the applicant.
  • Are located at Wagga Wagga City Council owned facilities, or facilities on Wagga Wagga City Council owned land in the local government area.
  • Enhance existing facilities

Category Priorities

  • Increase the activation of community infrastructure.
  • Improve accessibility and connection.
  • Improve existing assets to maximise utilisation.
  • Improve community health.
  • Demonstrate collaboration with other community organisations.

Examples of eligible projects

  • Upgrading existing community facilities, e.g. upgrading amenities, lighting improvements.
  • Improvement or installation of sport-specific facilities, e.g. installation of cricket nets.
  • Funds toward sporting or recreational groups to construct, for example, a storage shed, shade structure, or install a mobility access ramp.

The aim of the Neighbourhood and Rural Villages category is to provide financial assistance for projects and services that address the following Objectives identified in the Community Strategic Plan 2040

Our community are proud of where we live and our identity
Strategy item: Support and grow strong and resilient village and neighbourhood communities

Our community feel welcome, included, and connected
Strategy item: Activate community spaces to promote connectedness

Grant officer

Victoria Lowe

Grant amount

Minimum: $1000 | Maximum: $7500

Category eligibility requirements:

Projects that do two or more of the following:

  • Increase community connection in neighbourhoods and rural villages at community centres, halls, and public spaces.
  • Increase community pride in local Wiradyuri and First Nations culture and heritage.
  • Provide opportunities for connection through recreational activity, arts, and leisure in community centres, halls, and public spaces.
  • Demonstrate evidence of in-kind support by the applicant.

Note: Applicants are encouraged to provide letters of support from the communities/villages your program or project will benefit.

Examples of eligible projects:

  • Outdoor movie night in a public space, for example, Paddy Osbourne Park, Tarcutta.
  • Support the delivery of live music in neighbourhoods and rural villages.
  • Activation of rural halls and community centres with a project or program that brings the community together.

The aim of the Rural Halls category is to provide financial assistance for projects and services that address the following Objective identified in the Community Strategic Plan 2040

Our built environment is functional, attractive, and health promotingStrategy item: Look after and maintain community assets

Grant officers

Luke Fitzgerald

Grant amount

Minimum: $500 | Maximum: $10,000

List of Halls that are eligible to apply:

Book Book Hall
Brookdale Hall
Brucedale Hall
Burrandana Hall
Collingullie Soldiers Memorial Hall
Currawarna Community Centre Hall
Downside Hall
Euberta Hall
Galore Hall
Humula Memorial Hall

Humula Citizens Sports Club
Ladysmith Memorial Hall
Mangain Hall Community Centre
Mangoplah Hall
Oberne Creek Hall
Oura Hall
Tarcutta CWA Hall
Tarcutta Soldiers Memorial Hall
Uranquinty Neighbourhood Centre
Uranquinty Community Hall

Category eligibility requirements

Projects that:
  • Enhance the use and access to existing community infrastructure.
  • Demonstrate a multi-use or shared capability across two or more user groups.
  • Can commence within six months of the grants being made available, and completed within twelve months of notification.
  • Offer a contribution from the applicant, which may be cash or in-kind support.

Examples of eligible projects

  • Improvements to infrastructure, for example: painting, repairing floors, re-wiring buildings, or improvements to mobility access.
  • Upgrade of infrastructure, e.g. toilets, air-conditioning.

Examples of items not eligible for funding

  • Projects should be accurately costed with quotes, and be accompanied by relevant plans, approvals, and risk assessments for all works involved.
  • Examples of items not eligible for funding:
    • Purchase of appliances and items that are not a fixture in the building.
    • Ongoing maintenance.
    • Facilities for one-off events.

Note: For more information regarding risk management requirements for your project in this category, contact Luke Fitzgerald on 1300 292 442.

The aim of the Arts, Culture & Creative Industries category is to provide financial assistance for projects and services that address the following Objectives identified in the Community Strategic Plan 2040:

Our community are proud of where we live and our identity
Strategy item: Provide services and facilities that make Wagga Wagga a centre for arts and culture

Our community feel welcome, included, and connected
Strategy item: Provide programs and activities to bring us together.

Projects should also align with Council’s Cultural Plan 2020-2030, which is a blueprint for a creative city that puts arts and culture at the heart of a thriving, innovative, connected, and inclusive community. The Cultural Plan 2020-2030 priorities include:

  • Wiradyuri and First Nations community
  • Live music, events, and public spaces
  • A vibrant city centre
  • Neighbourhoods, suburbs, and villages
  • Cultural experiences for everyone
  • Creative Industries and educational opportunities

Grant officer

Lauren Reynolds

Grant amount

Minimum: $500 | Maximum: $7500

Category eligibility requirements

The Arts, Culture and Creative Industries category aim to provide support to artists, cultural organisations & creative industries to develop and deliver a diverse range of arts and creative projects and programs across the local government area.

Additional support materials are required

  • Applicants must attach examples of previous work e.g. images or video of artworks or previous arts/cultural projects or workshops; links to website demonstrating previous works; resumes of visiting artists.
  • Projects must demonstrate a cash or in-kind contribution.

Examples of eligible projects

  • Skill development workshops, e.g. visiting artists, or free public workshops.
  • Development of new artworks, exhibitions, and/or performances that have public outcomes.
  • Projects that create opportunities for artists and creative workers.
  • Projects that enhance the sustainability of creative industries (for example film, TV production, animation, photography, design) and that grow, connect, and increase the profile of Wagga Wagga’s arts and creative community.

The aim of the Local Heritage category is to provide financial assistance for projects and services that address the following Objectives identified in the Community Strategic Plan 2040.

Our community are proud of where we live and our identity

Strategy item: Value our heritage

Grant officer

Emma Molloy and Alicia Iacono

Grant amount

Minimum: $500 | Maximum: $7,500
As a minimum, applicants must contribute at least 50% cash contribution of total project costs.

Category eligibility requirements

As a guide, Local Heritage grant funded projects may include (but are not limited to):

  • Conservation works and maintenance works projects.
  • Adaptive reuse projects.
  • Interpretation projects.

Generally funding will not be provided for:

  • New buildings or works.
  • Routine maintenance.
  • Purchase of heritage buildings.
  • Relocation of buildings, or work on relocated buildings.

Priority funding for 2025/2026 will be for: Streetscape improvements.

Examples of eligible projects

  • New and replacement front fences in accordance with the heritage style of the property.
  • Repainting of properties in traditional heritage colours.
  • Removal of features that do not contribute to the heritage streetscape.
  • Repair to the façade of a heritage item.

Please note:

  • Applicants must contribute a minimum of 50% cash contribution of total project amount requested.
  • All projects must be discussed with the Grants Officers for this category.
  • ‘Before’ photos must be provided, and if the works require repainting, colour swatches must be included in your application.
  • More information on Council’s commitment to heritage, along with development and maintenance guidelines and the Schedule of Locally Listed Heritage Items in the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area, can be found at
  • Projects requesting retrospective funding for monies that have already been spent or works completed will not be considered for funding.

Events bring people together, contribute to wellbeing, and the promotion of cultural identity and community harmony, and make the city a more vibrant place to live. The aim of the Events category is to provide financial assistance for events that address the following Objective identified in Council’s Community Strategic Plan 2040.

Our community feel welcome, included, and connected.

Strategy item: Provide programs and activities to bring us together

Grant officer

Emma Corbett and Amy McDonnell

Grant amount

Minimum: $500 | Maximum: $7500

Category eligibility requirements

Funds must be used to establish a new event, or grow an existing event, held within the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area between 1 September 2025 and 31 August 2026.

Priority will be given to events that:

  • Are held in suburban neighbourhoods or rural villages within the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area.
  • Support innovation and new offerings.
  • Support local businesses through the purchase of supplies and services for the event.
  • Gain positive citywide coverage for the event and the city.
  • Demonstrate evidence and commitment to reduce waste at the event.
  • Include multiple organisations working together to deliver the event.

Examples of eligible projects

    An organisation seeks $2,000 to promote their new event through:

  • $400 on graphic design.
  • $1,000 to secure a keynote speaker or music performer.
  • $500 on equipment hire.
  • $100 on targeted Facebook advertising.

Please note:

  • Funding will not be granted towards the purchase of major capital items or the payment of Council bonds for venue use.
  • Where events have been funded for three consecutive years, events that demonstrate well-defined objectives, growth strategies, and broad appeal, can apply for a further three consecutive years’ funding.
  • Council must be acknowledged for their support through inclusion of Council’s logo on printed and digital material, as well as acknowledging Council’s contribution at public launches and in media releases.
  • Applicants must declare any fundraising occurring as a result of the event taking place. Applicants will need to declare the beneficiaries of the funds, what the funds will be put toward, and the estimated dollar amount.

The aim of the Environment category is to provide financial assistance for projects and services that address the following Objectives identified in theCommunity Strategic Plan 2040, Biodiversity Strategy: Maldhangilanna 2020-2030, Urban Cooling Strategy 2022-2052, and Wagga Wagga Community Net Zero Emissions 2050 Roadmap:

Our natural areas are protected and enhanced

Strategy item: Preserve and improve our natural assets

Wagga Wagga is sustainable, liveable, and resilient to the impacts of climate change

Strategy item: Educate and engage our community in sustainability

Grant officer

Sam Pascall

Grant amount

Minimum: $500 | Maximum: $5000

Category eligibility requirements

  • Projects cannot occur on private land.
  • Projects cannot fund activities that are the primary responsibility of another organisation, State, or Federal agency.
  • Projects cannot be part of a fundraising event or a devolved grant program.

Preference will be given to projects that:

  • Clearly demonstrate how they will have a positive impact on the environmental issue they are addressing.
  • Engage the community in on-ground environmental initiatives.
  • Demonstrate a matching cash or in-kind contribution by the applicant.
  • Have low ongoing-maintenance requirements.

Examples of eligible projects

  • Projects that help the community reduce energy use or carbon emissions.
  • Projects that create or improve habitat for local wildlife through weed removal, and/or revegetation works.
  • Projects that create awareness and action on local environment issues and urban cooling strategy actions.
  • Projects that conserve or improve water quality.
  • Projects to clean up litter or dumped rubbish within local reserves.

Youth Programs & Projects is a category that supports young people to develop and deliver their own youth-focused projects in the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area, and local organisations that work specifically with youth as their core business. The project should also align with the objectives of the Community Strategic Plan 2040

Our community feel welcome, included, and connected

Strategy item: Provide programs and activities to bring us together

Grant officer

Melissa Fattore

Grant amount

Minimum: $500 | Maximum: $7500

Category eligibility requirements

  • Youth is defined as a person 12-24 years of age.
  • Project must demonstrate evidence of youth involvement from concept to delivery and are the key drivers of the project.
  • The project is either led by youth or involves youth with the support from a non-profit organisation/community group.

Category Priorities: projects that do two or more of the following:

  • Increase access, equity, and participation for priority groups, including but not limited to: young people living with a disability, LGBTQIA+ youth, First Nations, and culturally and linguistically diverse young people.
  • Improve the mental health and wellbeing of young people living in the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area.
  • Demonstrate evidence of either cash or in-kind support by the applicant.

Examples of eligible projects:

  • New events featuring live music, art, or performance events created by young people, or featuring young people.
  • Out of school hours activities or events for young people in community centres or in parks or open spaces, in suburbs and rural village locations within the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area.
  • Projects that encourage and support young people from diverse backgrounds, including but not limited to those with lived experience with disability, First Nations, and LGBTQI+, to get involved in their local community.
  • Creating an opportunity for young people to participate in upskilling opportunities or leadership experiences.
  • Responding to identified gaps in services to support young people living in the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area.

The purpose of the Small Business category is to provide local businesses with the financial support they need to accelerate their business idea, create new jobs, or increase economic growth. The Community Strategic Plan 2040Objective is:

Wagga Wagga is an attractive location for people to live, work, and invest

Strategy item: Attract and support local businesses, industry, and employment opportunities

Grant officer

Sue Hanrahan

Grant amount

Minimum: $1000 | Maximum: $7500

Category eligibility requirements

Projects that:

  • Demonstrate a minimum level of 50% cash and/or in-kind contribution of total project amount requested.
  • Are located in the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area.

Category Priorities

  • Expansion of business.
  • Improved customer experience.
  • Implementation of an innovative project to enhance productivity and customer service.

Examples of eligible projects

  • Purchasing new equipment to expand production capabilities.
  • Adaptation of the business or implementing a new customer service tool.
  • Expansion of facility, or improved shopfront, footpath dining, or product display feature.
  • Implementation of innovative idea/process in new or existing business.