Temporary Food Stalls

The City of Wagga Wagga attracts a wide range of local food stalls operators from across the region to its vibrant temporary events each year.

Notification – Temporary/Special Event Food Stall

Food businesses that sell food to the public at temporary events such as fairs, festival, markets and shows are considered retail food businesses and therefore need to meet a range of requirements and food safety control such as:

Food businesses wishing to trade in Wagga Wagga's Local Government Area are required to notify their businesses with Wagga Wagga City Council.

Upon notification you will receive an acknowledgement of notification with a Temporary Event reference number (TEF) which allows you to trade in the local government area over a period of 12 months.

Acknowledgement of notification will need to be produced at temporary events whilst trading in Wagga Wagga. All food businesses/food stall holders  will obtain a TEF number as reference. All businesses (except mobile vending vehicles & commercial businesses) are required to renew Temporary Event business activities notifications once every 12 months.

For more information about the notification process, please read the information on the Temporary Event food stall notification process page.

*Please Note: This application does not provide approval to operate on a public footpath. Should you need to carry out activities on a public footpath, a separate application form (Display of Goods) must be lodged with Wagga Wagga City Council.

Temporary Food Stall Minimum Requirements


In New South Wales the sale of food is regulated by the Food Act 2003 and the Food Regulation 2010. These laws incorporate the provisions of the Food Standards Code. Food business operators are bound by the requirements of these standards to ensure that only safe and suitable food is sold for human consumption. The Food Safety Standards can be downloaded from http://www.foodstandards.gov.au

Failure to comply with the requirements or the selling of foods that do not comply with the requirements may render the food business liable to prosecution. Vendors of foods which cause injury or illness could be sued for damages. A temporary event is any occasion which is not permanent in nature. The primary aim of this website is to make food businesses aware of their legal requirements and to suggest ways to assure food safety at the event.

MINIMUM STANDARDS - The following minimum standards shall apply in respect of all food to be prepared, stored, transported and offered for consumption at promotions and special events:

a) All persons engaged in the preparation, handling, storage or transportation of food shall maintain themselves and their clothing in a clean and tidy condition at all times and shall not be suffering from any communicable disease or illness that can be transmitted by the food being handled or prepared.

b) Food handlers shall not smoke tobacco in any form where food is being prepared, stored or transported.

c) No person shall use unclean or printed paper in such manner to allow surfaces of that paper to come in contact with any food.

d) Every person who is engaged in the manufacture, preparation, storage, carriage or delivery of any food shall keep at all times such food and receptacles, implements, vehicles, utensils, benches, fittings and other appliances used in connection with foods for consumption, clean, free from dust, foul odours, flies or other insects.

e) No animals, birds or plants shall be permitted in any area where food is being prepared, stored or transported. f) No food shall be provided in returnable containers.

g) Hand washing facilities and a supply of liquid antibacterial soap together with an adequate supply of water shall be required where direct contact is made Page 5 of 6 with food during its preparation and serving.

h) Where food is stored prior to cooking, it must be stored below 5°c.

i) All food and other ingredients used in the preparation of food shall be obtained from approved sources.

j) The event organiser must keep a record of the source of food used in the event.

k) All reasonable measures need to be taken so as not to compromise the safety and suitability of food. A person designated as a “food handler” may be required who is limited to handling food.

l) A bin is to be provided for waste with a close fitting lid.

Storage Areas- All food shall be stored to comply with the following conditions:

a) All potentially hazardous food shall be stored under temperature control.

b) All storage areas shall be constructed and positioned to prevent the entry of vermin, flies, dust, insects or any other contamination.


Transportation of all food shall be in specialized transport or in a normal vehicle which is thoroughly clean and the food is fully protected from contamination. Where temperature control is required during transportation, the food shall be kept in clean containers or units, capable of maintaining the required temperature of 5oC or less for cold food or 60oC for hot food.

Food Display

a) All food and equipment shall be displayed or kept above ground or floor level.

b) Benches, trestles etc shall be clean and kept in good repair, smooth and free from contaminating substances.

Food Packaging

a) All food which is not prepared in front of the customer must be packaged in material that is fit for its intended use.

b) All packaging shall be suitably labelled, showing: Description of food, date packaged, name of the responsible person, address, and product name.

c) All ingredients used in the product must be indicated on the labelled product. Mandatory and advisory warnings e.g. lupin, nuts, milk, gluten, royal jelly etc.

Checklist & Useful Links

Approved Temporary Food Stall Operators

The following stalls have been approved by Council to operate within Wagga Wagga City Council's Local Government Area:

Business Name Food SoldContact Details
Candy CloudsFairy Flossfood@aussienightmarkets.com.au
James And the Chocolate BerryChocolate Dipped Fruitjamesskinner88@hotmail.com
The Cream MachineIcecream, Milkshakes, Slushies,
Waffles, Hot Drinks
Smoking ButcherBbq Meats with Sides of Saladsmokingbutcher@yahoo.com
Bridgette GilmoreHot Dogs Corn on Stick
Ice Snow Cones Fairy Floss
Rotary Club of Wagga Wagga
Sausage Sandwichrotary.wagga.sunrise@gmail.com
Michelle Seymour CateringA Variety of Hot Dishes -
Modern Australia
Miss MacaronMacaronsthatmacaronlady@yahoo.com.au
Marm'sJam, Relish, Pickles, Chutneyheathersly259@hotmail.com
Slinky’s Seafood ShackCooked Seafood, Chips and
Aussie Sisters CateringTurkish Gozlemesisterscatering14@outlook.com
Louisa Morris CakesBrownies, Biscuits, Fruit Pies,
The Little Cupcake GardenCupcakesthelittlecupcakegarden@gmail.com
Omg Decadent Donuts WaggaDonutswagga@omgdonuts.com
Twist PotatoDeep Fry Cut Potato with
Many Flavours.
Acai QueenAcaiacaiqueen22@gmail.com
Neen’s Delicious SnacksBaked Slices, Biscuits Etcjulisiacross@yahoo.com
Wangchuk (Home Made Food)Asian Cuisines (Momo, Steam Bun,
Veg Pancakes Etc)
Morella GroveOlive Oil, Condiments and
Sweet SerendipiteaSlices And Biscuitssweetserendipitea1@gmail.com
Easy CateringDutch Pancakes, Coffee, Ice Creameasy_catering@yahoo.com
Melting Madness Pty LtdNachos, Burgers, Chipsinfo@meltingmadness.com
Dinky Di MerchandiseFreshly Cooked
Cinnamon Donuts
Simply K8tering - Simply ChoiceCoffee, Spiral Spuds,
Fried Food, Deserts
Cool DelightsMini Melts Ice Creamterri@cooldelights.com.au
Thicc CookkesBaked Cookiesthicc@biggandthicc.com.au
SlinkoChips On a Stickslinkocanberra@gmail.com
Mr Pizza VanPizzasraj@mrpizzavan.com.au
Redhead And ChefBrisket, Loaded Fries, Prawn
Twisties, Chicken
Dinka DishesTraditional Sudanese Cuisineelizabethakoi24@gmail.com
Slinky SpudzSlinky Spudzadmin@slinkysfoodgroup.com.au
Slinky's Dumpling HutSteamed Dumpling and Dim Simsadmin@slinkysfoodgroup.com.au
Papa Roast KitchenRoast Pork, Bbq, Ice Cream,
Chicken, Street Balls
Kombi Keg Albury/Wodonga WaggaAlcoholsam@kombikegalburywodongawagga.com
Sweet Blooms HoneyHoneysweetbloomshoney2@outlook.com
R TeaIced Teainfo@rtea.com.au
Piggys Ice CreamSoft Serve Milkshakes Slushies
and Hotdogs
Slinky’s Burger BarBurgers/ Chipsslinkyspudz@gmail.com
Asian SkewersBbq Skewersasianskewers@outlook.com
The Poffertje ShackPancakesthepoffertjeshack@outlook.com
SnageliciousGourmet Flavoured Sausages,
Chips, Nuggets Etc
Homemade DumplingsHomemade Dumplingsmarkwalton@outlook.com.au
Rapid Relief TeamSausage Sizzlewagga.au@rrtglobal.org
Dialed Up Mobile BaristaCoffee/Hot Drinks/Cold Drinks/Cakejacob@dialedupmobilebarista.com
Black Barrel BarbecueAmerican Bbqhello@bbevents.com.au
Dave’s Fun FoodsGermansausage,Twisted
potato, Dagwooddog
Salvos EatsBurgers Hot Dogs Hot Chips Pies
Toasties Etc
Fishing For Kyan IncBbq Snag Steak Sandwich E&B Rollalysha_s@y7mail.com
Maria's Paella & Choripan
Street Food
Paella And Tapas. Choripan
& Asado (Bbq)
Borambola Wines Pty LtdWines/Beer/Cidernaomi@borambola.com
Mr LawrenceBurger, Sandwiches, Fries,sharni@mrlawrencewagga.com
Mary’s KitchenMexican Foodmarunavarrocalderon@hotmail.com
The Raven and UnicornSoft Serve Ice-Creamtheravenandunicorn@gmail.com
Sumer KebabsTraditional Iraqi Cuisineshahabantar@gmail.com
The Loaded Dessert CoCakes, Cookies Ecttegankking@gmail.com
Movie Style Butter PopcornPopcornjjfunfoodz+wcs@gmail.com
Chin Community of Wagga WaggaTraditional Burmese Cuisineaugustinekee@gmail.com
Indian Spicy KitchenIndian Food and Fried Rice 
Wagga Indian CommunityFried And Sweetsakhileshudenia2904@gmail.com
Greek Community of Wagga WaggaOpen Plate Gyros -
Traditional Greek Street Food
Point Five-ZeroNonecj@pointfivezero.com
Merimbula's Sweet N Sour
Lolly Shop
Lollies / Jerkymerimbulasands@outlook.com
Sweeet StreetDessertssweeet_street@hotmail.com
Salami ShackSmallgoods (Salami, Mettwurst,
Beef Jerky)
Dutch Pancakes Cool Cones
the Cup Club
Dutch Pancakes Soft serve
ice cream Cafe Drinks Food
Paps Soft ServeSoft Serve Ice Creampapssoftserve@gmail.com
Kachin Community Of
Wagga Wagga
Traditional Burmese Cuisinelucyzatang69@gmail.com
Bruno’s Woodfired PizzaPizzapatricecarroll1@outlook.com
Curly PotatoesPotatoes On Stickcurlypotatoes4u@gmail.com
The Rotary Club of Wagga
Kooringal Inc
Sausages In Breadwaynekhooper@gmail.com
Regional Best FoodHot Dog, Cheeps, Ice Cream,
Chicken Burger
The Poffertje ShackPancakesthepoffertjeshack@outlook.com
Red Elk Beverage CoCold And Hot Drinksredelkbeverageco@gmail.com
Wagyu BlacksWrap, Skewer and Long Chipswagyublacks@wb-project.com
T.M.K.DogsGourmet Kransky Hot Dogs
and Loaded Fries
James And the Chocolate BerryChocolate Dipped Strawberries
and Fruit
Wagga Vegan BakeryCakes, Cookies, Slices,
Cupcakes, Chocolates.
Bbq Asian SkewersMeat Skewerssshu8990@gmail.com
Golden GozlemeGozleme Varities And
Cold Beverages
Dippin DotsIce Creamamy.dippindots@gmail.com
Sunshine Food RiverinaHot Dogs, Popcorn and
Traditional Ezidi Food
Ali's SpudsLoaded Spuds and Friesalisspuds@gmail.com
Bright Gourmet Spud TrainBaked Potatoes and Nachoshello@wickedspudtrain.com.au
Little Bush KitchenDried Goods and Drinksjackiepimms72@gmail.com